Game time and net blance

Seems that I missed that part.

So whos faults that? Their countryā€¦ yet you blame blizzard lolā€¦ which country is he from?? Hes talking bull all big banks allow online transactionsā€¦

I blame Blizzard because they could do these other things since the game was out and Blizzard chose to change that. :slight_smile: If they never supported it in the first place and placed the blame on the country you might have an argument, but they didnā€™t. They had a way to deal with it and support these players and chose to remove it without any other reason besides more $$.


Hows it epeen to have a debit card lol??? Grow up will youā€¦ youre mad because i speak the truthā€¦ not my fault the trutg hurts you people who cant subā€¦ wow has been out for years and years ive never heard so much tosh in all them yearsā€¦

just report Daealla as trolling and move on guys sheā€™s baiting


What a [kitten]


What kind of logic is this? Do you think if ā€œcasualā€ players start to quit, more try-hards will join the game to fill in the spots left by the average players who canā€™t play? No, the game will get emptier and emptier to the point where it will eventually die.

And how long do you really think Blizzard is gonna keep the WoW servers running and keep making content for just a handful of people like you? Itā€™s a business, if they are not making sufficient money from it, they will start to cut their losses by reducing the cost, so less content, and fewer servers. And if it gets worse, they will pull the plug, and there will be no more:

because there will be no game.


Im talking about your usual Ā«post on your main, u dont even play the game, uā€™re low ilvl dont commentĀ» comments.


So to explain my logicā€¦

People crying they cant pay for 2 months because its too much obviously dont play the gameā€¦ i mean if they were in a guild only playing off and on they would be removed. Its fine to have breaks but to say you cant play at all because the one month option is gone is silly.

To the players in game we need players to do content. A person who farms gold all month to pay for the next money doesnt have time to do content with other playersā€¦ so they wont be missed its like they dont exist anywayā€¦

People crying about debit cards have better things to worry about than wow imo.

Thats because you dont comphrend my pointā€¦ its not about ilevelā€¦

i dont even have a max level character, but i enjoy the game and the forums dearly, the 2 months thing is quite a blow to people with limited income and not being able to make online purchases.

You obviously never imagined yourself in someone elses shoes and it shows.

as i said before, i hope your day is as pleasant as you are.




And you dont seem to understand that wow is alot more then hc raid and m+15. But go on thinking uā€™re some hotshot and keep talking down everyone else.


This does actually affect people who play the game. Thereā€™s plenty of people out there who contribute to the game in ways you clearly you donā€™t understand (Donā€™t worry, I know AH is tough to understand like you gotta search for items someone else posted!?)

And a lot of those people may or may not have a debit card. Just cause your country has ease of access to it (and mine does too) doesnā€™t mean every country does.


You calling anyone else pathetic is both ironic and hypocritical, Dae. Just saying. Just stop insulting people consistently, and stop resorting to ā€˜well since you donā€™t play my area of the game and/or youā€™re not posting on a char that does your points on stuff that isnā€™t related to such things doesnā€™t matter.ā€™


Mate again youre missing the point.

A person who adds nothing to the game but solo farms gold all month to a player who constantly tanks for raida and m+

Whos the more valuable player??? Simpleā€¦

yet, you are a min maxing legend in your eyes, and i dont have a max level character, and then still more people would enjoy my company more than yours.


Iā€™ll go for the casual who isnt being rude on the forums each day, easy choice :slight_smile:


No im literally an average player but i add to the gameā€¦ what have you done? You just admitted you dont even own slā€¦ you add nothing.

Hold my beer


They own SL. They have SL dungeon achievements. Are you trying to get the world record for how many times you can be wrong in one thread or something?

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