Game.need jump to 2025

Hi i Play wow som time and i see one gamę ar dead borning pvp borning raids fast team.up and solo Play game from.lvl one to max all along i easy find teams to go Black temple and now all along add and changes need be done one pay for gamę not time in game games Ho pay for time all Die add voice dialogs for diablo 4 to hero stop be retarda and all classes got own dialogs and help npc not all you.met all Die slim taller druid like diablo two necro to get more skelets remove ghost skins to see necros driuds pets as ather player like diablo two add sezon system from diablo 3 to any hero cen be turn sezon. And after sezon ends go next one now sucks need special build total new hero Ho berlly talk first diablo Ho hero ar dum and not talk voice sezons need be fix druida cent be fat KFC noobs necro shud got more skelets and not all loke like copy post onle all shud get randome loke amro pards and weapond not one shild one sword skelets in diablo King two skelets use swords and shild now they get dum or shild or sword realy biger maps to see all sanctum you add my last class i send in email demon Hunter one your develoepr get the e-mail and all IT i made IT to be one gender and not be made for both genders wow need voice dialogs big grafic less races shere clasees onle druiuds tauren and night elf and end onle demon Hunter night elfs onle warlock humend undead add them.morw costumize they so nice but they got like poor costumize poor means lame DK shud be humends orcs but never be night elfs dranerys dwarfs gnomes pandas and this atehr furrys na d turens shud never be dk easy to corupt shud be dk orc humend undead Did to s stuf to be free from lich so its dum made same as rouger tauren and dranery hoofs cent be silient for now wow ar borning pvp pvk raids non teams and heros not act as them mute out date all races same class same skils and classes got som lazy lame noob one way Pick be palandy but Pick be shild hammer or healer cent be just paladyn so lame Blizzard deves go into Tiny Ho like rata on trash get money instead build good games good classes and races re color old races mute all races Get same classes now i wud never be like i love join Blizzard for now you like begers Ho cent made games updated and fix to new age of gaming sucks orignal strong Blizzard ends.