Garbage software

How about moving to w10 already, it’s 2019

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So! Millions of other players have managed to reinstall and it has worked fine, and you blame Blizzard?

Annnd yet, here I am with a nice new freshly installed package! Weird huh?

Also if you insist on using Windows 7!!! Well there’s your problem, as has been shown and pointed out by many others in the thread, but I guess you managed to blow some off!

Spewing malicious (vitriolic) hate/critique out of bitterness, such as the Blizzard-rage from the OP despite the fact they have clearly made no effort to resolve the above-mentioned issue the normal way beforehand, thus just here to vent their venom and lay the blame.

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If I asked my man to come back to wow he’d come up with something like this too :wink:


I’d phrase this more kindly as “90% of issues are fixable by the user, but they lack the knowledge to do it” :slight_smile:

Most people don’t wreck their PC on purpose, they just aren’t connecting today’s problems to the bad advice they got 6 months ago about disabling background services to improve gaming fps…

I gave up being kind about PC issues a long time ago. User created issues are the most common of all issues. It’s better to point it out rather than try to blame something else. saves time and energy.

They probably are, but the user doesn’t know they’ve done it, is the thing to bear in mind :slight_smile:
Like flooding the engine on a car that won’t start, most of these things are done in ignorance.


Welcome to the Technical Support Forum. I’m locking this thread as it has gotten out of hand and the original issue is no longer being discussed.

If you do decide to give it a go again and still encounter difficulties, don’t hesitate and let us know here on the Technical Support forum so we can help out.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!