Garrosh, can he be brought back right?

Even though I played wow on it´s late years, just starting around the end of Wod, I fell in love with Garrosh from all of the lore I could consume of him. I know he ended up as a big corrupted military leader that was also like one of the biggest racist dicks of all time, but looking back at his better moments in wrath and catact lore, he had many chances to turn out better. He had a chance to become a possibly the second best written character in my head to Arthas, before the Mop hit that is.

Now that his return of some kind is confirmed in the SL, what would you think Blizz will do him and his relationship with Thrall?

I personally wish for some mistakes of Thrall regarding Garrosh to be addressed, such as leaving him with too much of a heavy duty for his young hot headed mind before he walked off to fight Deathwing, or him to had possibly broken honor in their final duel on AU Nagrand.

Or maybe yet, it would be a ok retcon for blizz do do on Garrosh´s source of corruption during his reign as a warchief being partially influenced by the heart of y’shaarj. Just reinforcing his worst sides.

There is nothing to retcon. Don’t whitewash him.

He was a proud orc.

Let him be remembered as one.

We are the Orcish Horde, the True Horde. We die, bloody and thrashing on the field of battle, like true orcs SHOULD.



Seeing the state of current WoW lore…

I would prefer if they don’t touch any old lore characters, ever. The current writers are horrible and can only disappoint. So no, I hope he isn’t brought back in any way, shape or form. I hope they don’t touch Arthas either.


Agreed. Very much agreed. Same reason why I don’t want Lasan Skyhorn to become a main character on Horde side; pretty sure they’d do him dirty and make him insufferable like the whole of the current Horde leadership.


If they bring garrosh back it’ll be through some obnoxious as hell “You were always right Thrall, i’m sorry” moment. Blizzard are obsessed with making all their characters 1 dimensional good or bad guys, or using beloved/established characters and ruining them to make their pet characters like thrall, jaina etc seem squeaky clean and the best ever. Honestly the only way Garrosh should be brought back is if he chokeslams the Jailer for trying to torture him, gets Gorehowl back and then sorts out the Horde

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Somewhere, in one possible timeline, upon finding out that there are Vulpera in the Horde, Garrosh would just rage himself back to life. Atleast, that’s something I’d find funny to see.

On a more serious tone, I think I’ll side with the ones preferring to leave old characters alone.

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He didn’t.

Given the trajectory of Shadowlands, probably nothing.

The focus of the Shadowlands has largely been on the BfA Gang and new characters introduced. The only examples I can think of for dead characters we interact with are like, Kael’thas and Uther, though I haven’t done all the Covenant campaigns (imagine being Maldraxxus lmao)

This is probably for the best given as Blizzard has taken to making all the racial leaders as non-confrontational as possible, so Garrosh returning would likely mean he would be presented as evil for not adhering to the status quo or return as ‘learning’ that Thrall was right all along.

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Imagine if we got a whole new cast of characters instead. Errant souls of the Maw who had somehow been trying to contrive a means to escape to Oribos, but simply lacked the ability to activate the portal…

They could be from any race, from any period of WoW’s history, from any planet or country. We get glimpses of each BFA Gang member to keep the handful of people that think they are actually good characters happy, and then we shift to our new friends and allies - a diverse cast! We escape to Oribos and then things more or less proceed as expected.

But no.


Danuser has repeatedly refused to comment on Arthas in Shadowlands.

So clearly this means we’re absolutely going to see Arthas return and get systematically annihilated and retconned into oblivion because that’s the level of writing quality this awful game now has in it’s modern content.


Shadowlands will do to Arthas what Legion did to Illidan, the complete recasting of an antihero-turned villain through retcons, “new information and perspectives”, and a refusal to have a single character acknowledge their history in favour of one-liners and dramatic if nonsensical moments.

Except it won’t be enjoyable because Shadowlands will take Arthas’ moments completely seriously while Legion at least let you turn your brain off for a while and enjoy the pulp.

Calling it now.



Unplug him and make the horde great again.

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I know, that’s what makes me so worried.


At the start I thought it will be some Naruto-Ninja-War-Arc, where dead lore characters come back to Azeroth so that we can fight them. Similar to the pre-event but instead it’s all over Azeroth and we see the return of different big and small lore figures that are controlled by the Jailer and we have to fight them.

Soldiers seeing their dead commanders risen again, lore figures against their will being brought back to life and so forth. Having some emotional moments with seeing their dead friends again.

Instead we got [redacted] and [nothing].

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Neither Garrosh or Sylvanas deserve any kind of redemption arc at this point.

Garrosh was straight up an Orcs-above-everything Racist and Sylvanas ultimately sealed her deal with all her interactions, her top tier deathsealing moment being burning Darnassus.

There is absolutely no way these two will get brought back outside of the future case of being killed ultimately. Even Arthas has more of a chance.


Still amazed not a single character asked Illidan why he kept 300 concubines; I think it was only ever addressed in the book.


“Did they just recast Arthas?” :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t get why people rave about Garrosh so much, I mean if you look at his progression, he’s…really not that good as a character. I don’t even mean morally, I mean he was just a rubbish character.

Look at him in TBC. He is a beaten, snivelling wreck. He’s the sort of person you would have expected to paint his room black, listen to too much emo music, write poetry that makes people cry, and draw pictures of women with daggers for eyes. He’s a car crash personality wise.

Fast forward to WotLK, He’s still a bit of a coward. His sole contribution is to stamp on models on a map, he leaves Saurfang to do all the heavy lifting. In fact, what does Garrosh even -Do- in Wrath, apart from belittle the player when they first turn up? “I Can smell your fear” “No mate, you can’t, see me? Big damned hecking hero of Azeroth, now look at you, squatting in your room stamping on toys whilst there is a war going on, so look at you, and look at me, and you tell me which one of us has the fear here!”

Also he suddenly hates humans. For no discernible reason, as the only time he has seen them, they had helped save his planet from Alien invaders. So it makes -complete- sense for him to be belligerent towards them! Oh…wait, no…it actually…doesn’t.

So Cata, He was a brilliant warchief wasn’t he?
Err. No.

In Cata,
Thrall is doing all the work. Garrosh turns up once to Sparta kick someone off a cliff to show how ‘Honourable’ he is. Problem with that, is that was never meant to be part of his character. Alex Afrasiabi, who wrote the Stonetalon quests did actually admit that he had went a bit ‘Off message’ with that whole scenario, and that Garrosh would not in fact have cared about what had happened, because he was still meant to be a racist douche. He also successfully manages to lead a huge Horde Aerial fleet to utter disaster by making a rookie mistake that a twelve year old could have avoided. At this point Sylvanas is perfectly justified in calling him an Ogre Headed buffoon…Oh my Gods, we can add that to his list of crimes, I actually just agreed with something Sylvanas said in game! :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, he is absolutely inept, a very poor leader, put a slice of bread over one of his ears, and a slice of bread over the other ear, and what have you got? An Idiot sandwich.

MoP: Oh my days…oh man…This is where his true ineptitude comes to the fore.
He alienates all the Horde, He has annoyed Vol’jin so much that the two have irrevocably fall out (And lets not forget it was Garrosh who started that by trash talking Vol’jin before Thrall had even left the room after making him Warchief) He turns his back on the Tauren, when they are under siege. What kind of Warchief is that? He clearly doesn’t care! It is so bad that the Alliance, in the person of Theramore have to come and bail out Thunder Bluff, which should have been -His- job. He gets an emissary from this new land that has been discovered, Ji Firepaw. Brilliant! A real chance to get a tactical advantage over the Alliance. What does he do? Talk to him, pick his brains about Pandaria and how to win there? Nah, just throw them into a pit to fight monsters. I mean who does that? Who actually is that stupid? By now he has gone full on stupid, and went to his old military tactics of stamping on model boats as a way of proving his military capability. He’s alienated the Forsaken, to the extent that they rise up and kill his Kor’kron soldiers placed there, and then, the icing on the cake, the only race that have stayed loyal to him, the Sin’dorei, he uses as cannon fodder so as not to risk the lives of his precious orcses. Yeah, big hero there, totally heroic, so then even Lor’themar goes, “Nope done with you” and starts looting Thunder Isle to come back and kill Garrosh.

Garrosh was practically an Alliance sympathiser.

He needs to stay tormented and an Anima battery, he does not deserve anything better.

I think that was…err, for the Sunfury Blood Elves on his side, who lived fairly decadently…

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I fell in love with the franchise due to it’s very “cartoony Warhammer” asthetic, BFA trying to make all characters happy and love dulled superheroes just steered me away just when I really started to get into the lore at most during Legion.

If Blizz wants to bring more of an era of harmony between the two factions, yet keep the part “WAR” relevant in their name, they should just form new and several smaller factions in the next warcraft game (if they ever want to do the 4’th one).

If Alliance and the Horde go away, let us have factions like Tyrande’s kaldorei rebels, or Greymane’s own faction helping them. Not sure do we have any others from the Horde’s ranks seeking more bloodshed and vengeance alongside Talanji?


I don’t want to derail this into a discussion of Sylvanas since this is a Garrosh thread, but I think the best (or rather least bad) possible conclusion for her character arc would be her soul being sent to Revendreth after the whole Maw business is sorted out.

It would fit with the hopeful nature of the Warcraft setting: there’s hope for redemption, but it’s not guaranteed and will take a long, long time, possibly eons. This way she’d be out of the picture in a way that doesn’t feel too grimdark while also not getting away scot-free. If Garrosh deserves a shot at long-term redemption in Revendreth after Theramore, then Sylvanas deserves it after Teldrassil.


I do not think he can be brought back unless he is deemed worth of rebirth, which such investment won’t happen.