Garrosh Mythic Skip


I was wondering, who else would appreciate if you could skip directly to Garrosh in Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar? I mean, the raid takes 40+ minutes and if you are doing it on 5 120 chars a week, it’s kinda exhausting. :frowning:

Imho the best solution for this one this would be a quest, that requires killing The Paragons 4 times, then you can skip directly to them at the start of the instance.

Your thoughts? Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Googling by “wow soo skip” shows it definitely isn’t a new idea, it was requested a couple of times and… nothing happened (one of main reasons is “old content have no priority at all”, which was more or less clearly stated by devs and GMs many times).
Btw, even if skip will be added - in a manner similar to BRF/HFC - it anyways will require atleast a month of clears on each of char on acc (tbh 2 monthes for HFC cuz skipping there has 2 stages), unless they implement it as acc-wide (wet dreams I know but still)…

Why skip? if you are farming one specific item and it looks like this since you want only last boss then you must put some effort in it, unique items aren’t from giveaways.

This is kinda a pointless argument when most raids after it have skips either to the last boss or very close to it despite dropping unique items or mounts. And some of the raids are shorter than SoO as well.

Which rads have those skips? You even have to do whole icc to kill Lich King.

Blackrock Foundry has a skip straight to last boss, that drops an unique mace and a mount. Hellfire Citadel has two skips, one after the 5th boss, and one either to last boss or to second last boss, can’t remember which and the last boss drops several unique items as well as a mount. Emerald Nightmare has a skip to 2nd last boss, last boss drops unique leather shoulders. Nighthold has a skip to 2nd last boss, last boss drops two mounts. Antorus has several skips on it as well, and I believe one leads to the 2nd last boss, which drops an unique item and the last boss drops one as well, with the usual mount.

okay fair enough, let there be skips if there are already :wink:

Retrospective look onto “skipping” will show us, that firstly it was implemented during times of WoD (BRF and HFC), meanwhile SoO belongs to even older expansion - MoP.
I can be wrong about it, but it can mean that implementing skips for pre-WoD raids can be painful and most likely not possible.

1st skip in HFC is to 7th boss, 2nd skip in HFC is to Manny (2nd-last), not Archy (last).
EN skip is to Cenarius (2nd-last).
NH has 3 skips, including the one to Elisande (2nd-last).
ToS has skip to Maiden, which requires kill 1st boss (Goroth).
Antorus has 1st skip to Imonar and 2nd skip to Aggramar, both requiring killing 1st boss (Garothi).

If its exhausting dont’ spend over 3 hours a week doing it?

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