Much has been said already, and many good points have been made and will come I’m sure.
While it is alright not to agree with everyone on everything it is a good and important question to ask ‘’What kind of community do we want '’ and that’s a general question that can not be asked often enough.
For the guilds, for hubs/communities and ourselves.
There are so many out there now, and I could not be more happy about it.
Seeing as there is an abundance and probably something for everyone.
Don’t like pineapple, okay then go get the apples.
You wanted to join in on a BBQ event, but horde only?.. make a horde char or just make a BBQ alliance event yourself, it’s easy and fun!
I never asked for permission to do mine, and had quite the push back… it turns out people enjoy them quite a lot and it have become a better place because of it!
Don’t need 50+ people to show up; if 5 people show, alright then the event is for those 5 people to have a good time.
By the end of the day: It just does not make sense why I would need permission from a few selected people in a place of 500 + people… it’s simply not someone else’s decision to make.
No one owns a location in WoW, no one owns a day in the week, no one owns a theme or concept…
I’m not saying ‘do not be considerate’, it is very important but at some point… there are too many chefs in the kitchen. And if you want anything done, you just got to get on with it.
If it’s thought through, do your homework, put in the work… the right people will come along by the end of the day . No need to be upset because someone else is doing a similar thing; be productive with your time and energy.
And be the change you want to see!