As I mentioned earlier:
By the way, there’s a reason why you’re asking for old items back, and not for old achievements. Both are FOMO but you know that nobody cares about achievements.
Achievements are a lame reward.
As I mentioned earlier:
By the way, there’s a reason why you’re asking for old items back, and not for old achievements. Both are FOMO but you know that nobody cares about achievements.
Achievements are a lame reward.
No, you’d get the reward and an achievement. Then later you wouldn’t get the achievement. Also not true, some people love to collect achievements and would love to have them but probably know having them later than earlier isn’t as good.
Why do you want FOMO rewards? You want to stand in the middle of a city and look shiny, hoping people will admire you? Cos that happened maybe in vanilla but now nobody cares, except maybe people with a similar mindset who… would have it anyway.
I guess I will just never understand. Also you completely bypassed the part of you not using, say, the MoP challenge set any more so why would it matter if others got it? Are we also going to be grumpy at people who can get mounts for nothing now when we originally had to farm a ridiculous amount of gold?
I repeat my previous point:
For the majority of the playerbase, achievements are a meaningless reward.
I’ve gotten quite a few compliments for this set specifically:
It would matter because even though I myself would not be using this specific reward, I would want it to remain prestigious for other players who also earned it at the time and are actually using it.
Gatekeeping is bad. Content must not be removed.
Really? It’s so ugly but hey personal preferences.
Ugh, prestige… it’s just so… so… “look at me, look at me, I’m so special” sorry, can’t stand people who like it. That goes for pretty much all things in life.
“Look at me, I won an extremely prestigious reward 5 years ago in this thing I pay money to do!”
“Oh congratulations you must be so proud I am so happy for you! Maybe one day I can get it too.”
“You aren’t allowed one. Ever. But look at me!”
Yes. That is what it’s about.
And maybe it’s not you, and that’s fine.
But if you feel like pixels in a video game don’t matter that much, then surely you’ll be fine with missing out on 1 appearance out of 1000 available in the game.
They don’t matter in that I get them because I want them, not because I want attention.
And that’s fine if that’s your reason for wanting them.
As for myself, I want them as a token of my individual prowess during a specific era of the game. Which is fine as well.
The difference is, mine doesn’t affect other people. Yours does.
They can have recolors.
I will take the recolours… unless they are green. You can have green.
Then we are agreed. Pleasing everyone is easy when I’m in charge.
Yay, no more ugly green mogs for me!
I feel like that’s close but not entirely the same. You had a chance if you tried back then, whereas with gatekeeping it’s really never giving someone a chance.
Still, I do not agree with you on this. I would prefer if the hard challenges were kept around.
I agree, but with different rewards every season.
Like Elite PvP sets.
Nice wall of text but I have more simple theory:
They timegate stuff so you have to play longer thus more likely to sub/resub.
It also gives them more time to make content.
I think the fact that people value stuff based on its (artificial) rarity as opposed to its intrinsic value (usefulness, or in the case of vanity stuff, if it’s at least actually pretty to look at) is everything that’s wrong with humanity and the reason we’re likely to fail as a species.
If everything was right in the world then people would acknowledge that Shackled Ur’zul is the most ugly mount in the game and people only want it because it’s rare.
I agree this is timegating not gatekeeping and Blizzard does it to keep players subbed - players are voracious monsters nowadays that devour content intended for a month in a week and then complain that there is nothing to do.
Since legion all the players I know only do M+ and raids, nobody does anything else. There is now the common mindset that "fun in wow = RIO and item level).
OFC they get bored and play classic where everything is about the journey and the friends and mistakes you do along the way. Not about getting +3 item level
IMHO rewards should be made available after a patch or even an expansion, but made accessible only through a long grind. Do you want to have the pandaria challenge set? Good, farm this currency by doing m+/valor etc - in a similar fashion that with pvp mark of honor you can buy old staff.
That way people have the achievement /fos - feel unique for a season and the others can get it afterwards through a long grind. I do not have the possibility to play all year around and I missed a lot of stuff I would have loved to get.
Sorry for the wall of text
You mean, they don’t?
Not really. Depending on redesigns and tuning the challenge can become easier or harder, for example Havoc MT, back in Legion was really easy because Havoc just had one of the perfect kits to cheese that challenge, however now it’s more difficult to beat it because the spec is very different and more complex (also the memebeam build does not exist anymore).