I don’t touch the stuff so there’s plenty of us who don’t. Never forget your filthy outdoor casual players!
I would like to introduce you to the trade chat. There’s all kinds of services there, including… yep, you guessed it, gladiator!
Nothing is prestigious in this game anymore. Let people make the most out of the game and enjoy nice looking things.
Which is the most expensive service because…it has one of the highest values!
Because of the criteria I mentioned!
No title or item that can be obtained via real money is an achievement or prestigious.
This is not gatekeeping, this is FOMO.
It has been a long time since I wanted to have had a downvote button as much (and I hate downvoting in forums)
The only format where challenging content is not a waste of resources is evergreen content, “new” mage tower / FF14 Ultimates, style.
Limited content is good for F2P games where the money comes from people swiping their card.
FOMO also serves as double edged sword that may keep those already playing from leaving but also discourages people who missed out from wanting to pick up the game
Or maybe it’s because the content isn’t engaging enough to convince people to stay and do it. Also what you are talking about is Timegating not Gatekeeping.
Anniversary event place is empty because most people have already got what they wanted and there is zero point hanging around in the grounds after that.
The isle is empty because its boring and has nothing to offer really to keep anybody invested in.
What is there actually to at the anniversary event? I mean you get way more tokens from from instances and TWW content, what exactly are/were people doing at the anniversary tent?
I didn’t read it all cuz I’m not insane but from skimming I basically agree with slapface.
It’s your parents job and not Blizzards to teach you that you can’t have everything you want and sometimes you need to let stuff go in life. FOMO doesn’t exist it’s bad parenting that creates the feeling of FOMO. It’s an illusion that spoiled brats have.
Lmao it’s a video game I have paid and continue to pay for, not a swimming pool.
In Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves, as the content becomes progressively more difficult, the rewards for completing it (at the risk of sounding redundant, but they) are less rewarding.
In those games, the content you’ve experienced is the reward so to get you to try the content initially, they front-load it with the best prizes.
Once you’ve tried the content out and find it enjoyable, you will continue doing it anyway, which is why as it becomes more difficult, the rewards aren’t as lucrative.
Blizzard has a different approach when it comes to World of Warcraft, Mythic+ is a horrible experience yet players keep banging their heads against that wall and they’ve convinced themselves that they had fun once they get a prize at the end of it.
To be precise, what you are talking about is “Elite” boost, not Gladiator.
Gladiator is a 3v3 title/achievement, and the mount can’t be earned from the other brackets.
On another note, I don’t mind rewards earned from challenges that are time-gated as long as they are actually behind a challenge and not an artificial grind to “make content”.
While I do enjoy how the first iteration of mage tower ended up being, I really didn’t like it at first.
You had to grind the currency and the mage tower was only available on rotation for X amount of time… This meant it artificially locked some people out of bettering themselves and overcome it, unless they were playing at those times.
Plunderstorm was a bad design imo. It gave cool rewards for a grind and not a challenge. This meant people resulted in jumping in, getting 4-500 duploons in the first 5-6 mins and then going into the storm. It sucked for them, and it sucked for those actually wanting the PVP experience of the game mode.
The reindeer antler cosmetic during Christmas is another time-gated RNG reward…
Had this been locked behind a quest or an actual challenge I would like it more, but no. It’s an easy world boss kill and a low drop chance of something festive that you can’t even farm unless you have alts.
I welcome more challenging content with rewards tied to them, but I hate every time they do it in a “We need to pump player engagement during no content times!” way.
Lookie Slap!!
This guy obviously saw my thread and made this one as an attempt to provoke me.
Getting their quests and then straight out of there
Yea this is a good quality rage-bait post. I approve. Keep it up, Slappy boi!
This has got to be a hot take for even me, but to a degree I agree with you slappy.
The more exclusive a reward is the more satisfying it is to obtain, this I believe we can all agre on. However I do really need to emphasize the " to a degree" because there is a very fine line between genuine good limitations and difficulty, and “degen gameplay” being forced on you otherwise boohoo.
This fine line is exactly where I think people tend to disagree, not that it exists, but more so where on the line it is kinda thing.
Personally I’d like it if they were a bit more lenient with stuff like mage tower cosmetics, but that might just be a bias since I want it and I dont have it so yknow, take it with a grain of salt.
But what is “exclusitivity”?
Is the black beetle thingie from Ahn’Qiraj “exclusive”? (as in: Unobtainable)
Is Invincible? (as in: RNGessus is a bastid)
Arguably both of these presented a challenge when they were introduced, but now? I don’t think anybody would call either Temple or ICC a “challenge” (except for having to endure 2-3 mins of Arthas’ yapping).
To me it seems OP is arguing that all/more rewards should be extremely hard to obtain AND only be available for a specific period of time (I guess we found the gatekeeping element from the headline), but 99.9% of things in a video game shouldn’t “disappear” and be unobtainable just because “you didn’t play at the time”.
Exactly. Imagine if they timegated the event though (which they did to an exstend, Secrets of Azeroth quests were time gated). “…And on week 3 you will unlock Story Time, on week 6 you get Mount Mania”. I’m just sure the anniversary tent would be booming with people even now.