"Gatekeeping" is a necessity

I have a lot of mounts, just collected over the course of playing, but I still just use my Swift Stormsaber for ground travel and my standard Gryphon for flying. Barring the odd mount with utility like a vendor or AH, they are all functionally the same.

I fundamentally do not understand players who are solely motivated by collecting an ever increasing hoard of digital stuff, or are concerned with how rare their stuff is in comparison to what other players have.

There’s no insult intended there, I just do not get it at all. If I woke up tomorrow with 2 mounts it would have zero impact on my enjoyment of the game.

If I happened to get something rare, I wouldn’t care if that challenge was kept open forever. It’s an string in an array and pixels on a screen, it’s really not a big deal.


There is that one improvement of solo que rated BGs.
This does not change the gameplay but reduces the Player shaped obstacles to getting to the starting line that we had since the inception of rated PvP

My self from 10-15 years ago would have been ecstatic to be able to get in Rated BGs without having to go through the “you must have exp/rating to get rating” gatekeepers

Good. I very much enjoyed the gameplay of Dragonflight.

Blizzard’s main PvP mistake is how little they care about healers, and how that affects the rest: longer queue times, less participation overall.

I would reduce the reward threshold by 100 for healers, and add a reward track with nice cosmetics that would neither require rating nor victories - only participation.

These two suggestions would help make PvP great again.

Roles which are in short supply in general need hazard pay.

gatekeep me daddy

i mean you allready gatekept me cause youre a level 32 clown
and currently wow has option to stop XP but not to de-level

To an extent, yes. But this is a game. A game that’s meant to be played for fun and being kept from getting what you want, is not fun.

I am a firm believer that people should be able to play this game the way they enjoy it, and be able to achieve almost anything. Of course there’s a limit to this; that statement should be taken within reason and with proper logic. I’m not saying I’d like to see mythic level gear be rewarded for doing pet battles, for instance.

But if I really don’t like PvP, but I love the look of a vicious mount of some kind, I think it would be cool if I could earn that mount in a different way. It doesn’t have to be easy, but just the option of doing that. It just makes the game more fun, imo.

Except it is. Because there is no actual worth to ANYTHING in the game, except for a player’s subjective worth.

I like things that I find cool looking. Things that will compliment my character’s fantasy or aesthetic in a nice way. And it really doesn’t matter at all to me if that ‘cool thing’ is rare or common.

So when you say:

That is subjective. Period. It’s not a fact.

So in short: Yes, some gatekeeping is good, but too much or too strict and its becomes destructive because it ruins fun. And fun is the single most important aspect of a game. That isn’t my personal opinion, by the way. That is a cold, hard fact.

Hence the notion of intersubjectivity.
There is an implicit, collective agreement on the “actual worth” of things in the game that can be observed through the price of boosting/purchasing of services.
As I mentioned in my example, Gladiator sells for +500€, sometimes +1000€.
This is its intersubjective worth.

Only if you accept that; making it not factual, but again subjective.
I for instance have not and will not ever agree to any such thing.
That agreement essentially only concerns a part of the playerbase: A part that has more money than brains, apparently. That is certainly not a wide enough base to make it a ‘collective’ agreement.

Services are not part of the game. They are a player thing. They should be, imo, illegal.
So; the game making those ‘rewards’ more accessible is a good thing because it undermines that horrible practice.

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Even though I don’t like boosting and am reluctant to collaterally agree with Slapface. The price of the service is a monetary expression of how difficult it is to reach 2,4k PvP rating to get the mount. Which does make it an indicator of the mount’s general rarity among the population.

For me, mogs and mounts have a subjetive worth - My collection is an expression of my efforts in the game. If I paid for a boosting service to get the mount, it would have no value to me.

So I’d say the value of an item depends on whether you look at it from a perspective of general rarity or personal worth. Then there is also the obsessive completionist angle, I guess.

Well, the ‘worth’ of rarity is subjetive as well, just as much as personal worth is.
To me for instance, rarity does not play any part in my wanting or not wanting a certain item or appearance.

So pretty much; just putting a price on something doesn’t make it ‘the collectively accepted price’. Look at that stupid ‘banana with a tape on it’ nonsense. Yes, some idiot paid 6.2 million dollars for it. That doesn’t mean that that is now the collectively accepted price for ‘a banana with a tape on it’.

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That has to be the weirdest rant I’ve read in a long time.

In the interests of being constructive.

Use paragraphs.

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I Fully agree with this.
Any and all of those “services” should be outright banned from the game.
Caught participating in one? ban.


This is the first step towards true wisdom: accepting that Slapface can sometimes be right.

The last step is acknowledging that I’m always right.

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Everyone is sometimes right. Even a broken clock tells the correct time twice per day.

No one is ever always right

I also agree bans for services whether for gold or not.

How rare it is, why would I care about what others have it’s irrelevant. I get gear and mounts for me no one else, others have their business it doesnt effect me and my game at all ?

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Make pvp great again :dracthyr_nod:

I would just remove shuffle though and put the one round 3v3 arena soloq what people asked instead of this shuffle abomination :rofl:

I could also make each modes rewards % based separately and introduce decay in the ladder which wow hasnt had so far so people are just able to sit their max and smurf lower ratings for funzies on their 5th alt of same class and doing more harm on the ladder on long run than they realise.

Anyways making each mode separately % based on rewards would fix the participation problems in less played modes, doesnt mean anything really if the number says 1900 when ladder is deflated and we are fighting someone with 34x glad and 30x r1 on account then its really not 1900 rating we are fighting and the system is nonsensical related rewards and competition.

This would break the universe, because it is common knowledge that Tah is always right.

Everyone could get this if they wanted to get it in MoP as someone who did not go for it because i did not think it looked good.

Everyone could get this at the end of Legion if they wanted it.
You just had to play the game

Tah is always wrong …

I agree to a degree that timegating is necessary but at the same time it kind of feels a bit bad to the point where the playerbase feels like they are punished for playing the game.

I do however feel that Blizzard need to let the players have some accountability for their action’s "Wahh theres no content after day 2.

Blizzard should reply “You consumed it all so fast that is your own doing”, After all if you have a chocolate bar and choose to eat it all in 1 sitting that was your doing and you dont have anymore left.

The timegating just causes some people to blitz through the “seasonal” content because that is what WoW has become and then they log off until Season X starts and then the grind restarts so they end up with a player drought halfway through the season anyway.

WoW is a power driven creature and people want more and more character power and most of the time once they have all the power they can acquire for the season they will log off until more tempts them back or play an alt (But that creates a different issue)