"Gatekeeping" is a necessity

FOMO is real and it is a very effective though morally questionable marketing practice.
Sure one can be all Buddhist monk about it and say that desire is the source of all suffering but most people are enticed to go out of their way by artificial scarcity one way or another.

I do not even need to imagine how much money has rained due to just the two Auction house terminal Brutosaurs

Depends on what is being gatekept and what you mean by gatekeeping. Gatekeepers as in, Players, who are blocking new players from accessing the game are actively killing the game and are bad for business. These Players should be forced out however they can be before they kill the game they are in.

If you mean the best items should be hard to get through difficult but fair challenge, then sure. Things that were only around for a certain time are an invalid, because you are no getting the item because you did something hard, you got the item because you were around at that time.

Hoarding is inherently evil. Anyone who thinks “it is not enough to have, others must have nothing” are evil.


Ah, that old chestnut… Insert that famous GTA San Andreas meme here…

I agree that new interesting rewards should be made. The whole time limited condition never made sense to me. I could only understand it as a form of artificial scarcity in order to inflate prices (which I also disagree with), but that’s not even the case here.

Gladiator mounts or whatever pvp sets make sense to be limited to seasonal play, as this is a competitive play. I’m not going to run a 100m sprint and get a world title because I beat Thomas’ Burke score from 1896 (12 sec for those who are interested). So those make sense because of the general frame of reference. You can’t win past titles and trophies.

Now for things like the mage tower weapons… Considering that things can always be retuned adequately, what sort of prestige is there? By the end of that expansion it was barely a challenge anyhow, it had lost all its prestige. I was there, it was fun. I’d love to collect more of these but I guess I won’t because of petty reasons like these. You might say “that’s why they should have time gated them within one patch” to witch I say “no they should have retuned them up as player’s average ilvl went up.”

Bloody glad I got all the remade T2 sets because at this rate and way of thinking, we’ll never see them again any time soon. At least not the original colours.

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And yet, then anti-FOMO crowd would also want to see these brought back.

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And yet the PvP crowd is wondering why PvP is dead.


No, I don’t “wonder” why.

It’s because of Legion.

  • Dumbed down class design and ability pruning, reducing the impact of individual skill and outplay potential in PvP encounters
  • Legion legendaries being enabled in open world PvP completely killed duels. Especially Prydaz.
  • The introduction of Demon Hunters also generated a lot of frustration. It still does to this day, most PvP players would be happy to see it entirely removed from the game.
  • Removal of PvP vendors. If RNG wasn’t on your side, you had to wait for the season to be over to claim your Elite PvP set.
  • No PvP illusion at all for season 1 and 2 for the first time since they were introduced.

All these factors combined drew a lot of PvP players away from the game, starting with my ENTIRE GUILD and myself by the end of it.

Then, BFA made things worse with class design being even dumber, and BiS gear for arena being locked behind M+.
And Shadowlands was…Shadowlands.

6 years of this garbage is what killed the PvP scene. I was there, I saw it unfold, and I complained about it on the forums as it was happening.

I would say it’s the steep learning curve and the fact that your “prestigeous rewards” lead to burnout because you cannot take a seasonal break. Even if the issues you perceive are solved you will not get new players because the content itself is not worth getting invested in.

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WoW PvP these days especially rated PvP is just not fun

Except Mists of Pandaria was both the expansion with the steepest learning curve AND the most popular PvP expansion.

Can’t tell, I haven’t been able to play yet.
My last time playing was Dragonflight season 4, how different is it from then?

Slapface ! Your back !

I thought you were banned for life ! What happened to that “good bye for ever” post you did in June ?

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Thats mostly true.`
However reserving rewards for mostly the 2% of players have felt bad ever since i started playing the game.
Its actually smarter to not care about these rewards as getting them is like putting your brains into a blender.
I dont mind the 2% thing much, i just personally would never invest going beyond 2.4.
I already fight Tonymeow at 2k.

There is value even in criminals intent- thats why they do what they do.
But when those values are not shared by the community- its what makes the criminal, criminal.
Maybe a wonky analogy but my brain is fried today.
Gatekeeping =/= Timegating.
Timegated content is absolutely absurd for the audience WoW has.
Most players got families, work and etc since wows players are 25-45 years of age.

Bad take.
Absolutely not.

Mage Tower and WOD challenge mods should come back with their original rewards.

And I would even go as far as to say that every 100 rating above 2400 should give you a token for a gladiator mount from old expansions and this achievement resets every season.
And you can also do this in every bracket including 2v2 and Blitz and Soloshuffle.
Every item should be obtainable, and nothing should be timegated.

He’s actually right for a change

gatekeeping gear is dumb af tho

No, not all gatekeeping is good at all your entire post is lacking the reasons why.

Ive got a family. A full time business to run and real life to deal with.

Belive me when i say there are more people in that bracket than yours who get to sit and do nothing but what they like.

Not all of us are paid for by parents and all you do is school wow, school for those reasons your absolutly wrong when you say its good to gatekeep.

If you like gatekeeping id suggest keeping it amongst you and your freinds, that said the name slapface says it all rly maybe you need yours slapping ?? Mmmmmm…


Funny, I like something because of how it look and / or the journey; the story; the memories.
Nothing as shallow as this OP-post.

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People crave the wanting something not the having something.

As soon as they have it the wanting is over. So they move onto the next thing to want.

You need to keep people wanting.

I’m still using the Elite PvP set I got during Legion season 5. That’s like 7 years ago.
I use it in combination with the Elite PvP illusion I got in Dragonflight season 3.

Speak for yourself. I still very much value my previous acquisitions.

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Just going to say “No”.

I play a game to have fun.
I don’t need someone or something telling me I can’t.
Nor do I need some arbitrary feeling of “achievement”.
It’s a videogame


This thread makes it very clear that cosmetics were the worst thing they ever added to the game. Now you people are more concerned with min/maxing every season to make sure you don’t miss out on a cosmetic, showing up to raids and needing items you don’t need so you can collect the appearance and saying screw everyone else who actually needs it. Other than a restricted list of mounts in vanilla (everyone’s darling expac), what cosmetics were there? That’s right, there were basically none, the reason people checked out your appearance was because the armor you collected through playing the game actually just looked good, even if it wasn’t all a set, because, generally speaking, the appearance of one set bled into the next. Now though what do they do, just to satisfy people like you, they make sure every item is as bland and ugly as the day is long right up until mythic content, just to keep you satisfied with your fortnite skins you collected 5 expacs ago. I played all the way from vanilla and so did a bunch of my friends and, you know, not a single one of us collected any cosmetics other than mounts all the way through vanilla till wotlk, we made shared community memories instead. As soon as a new expac came out, all the old armor went in the bin and we welcomed in the new because the focus was on the GAMEPLAY and not what DOING the gameplay made you look like. Also, you know what happens for most new players when they fall into the trap of thinking fortnite skins matter? They see how difficult it is to get nice looking ones nowadays and they become discouraged, and then half of them quit the game and we’re left with people such as yourself, rotting the game from the inside out and acting like the devs must bend over backwards to please you.

It’s so funny to me how you people get into the nitty gritty of how cosmetics should be released to make them as rewarding as possible, when infact they should just be wiped from the game. I honestly hope they make the best cosmetics in the game as easy as possible to obtain and take all the reward out of it for skin collectors so we can get rid of players like yourself.

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That’s why Retails feels like a ghetto street at 12:00 midnight .

That’s why they throw classic wow over and over to keep up the subs because the current state of wow despite 20 years of progress through gaming and experience is so appealing that they cannot bring new players withing wow …