Gatherers, do you even care anymore?

In the last two weeks the prices on materials are insultingly low.
You farm for bread crumbs.

Where I could easily earn 30 k a day I struggle now to even earn 5k.

People put stuff cheaper and cheaper on ah, and the gold per hour is so low that I don’t personally feel that it’s worth my time anymore.

Which is a shame because I enjoyed earning gold, and I don’t see any alternatives.

Is gathering just dead now until next expac?

If u got alot of points into mining u get that rare ore 24/7. they worth loads i get about 50k a day from mining herb atm.

people filling out skill trees
rare materials becoming less rare cause people get higher perception, skill and finesse, supply up
most people have their gear crafted by now, demand down
supply up + demand down = price drops


It’s largely still worth it to pick up most nodes but yeah, profits have crashed off a cliff lately.

I’ve started to ignore regular Hochenblume nodes at the very least, because they’re barely worth the time now. The other herbs are pretty much always worth taking and all mining nodes are generally worth it, if not for their own ore, then for the chance of getting a couple of Khaz’gorite.


Also many crafters now have a lot of points spent in their skill trees. Increasing inspiration (less attempts needed to achieve max rank therefore less materials needed), higher resourcefulness (they get the materials back), higher skill (rank 2 materials enough to get max quality crafts, so demand for rank 3 goes down), etc.

Probably. It may still be worth it to stop and pick a herb or mine a mineral node while you are doing world quests, but I don’t think it’s worth it to dedicate time to gathering.

This may chance with the next content patch where most players will be replacing their gear and demand for materials will grow higher again. Specially if a new zone introduces new herbs or minerals (so supply would be low at the beginning). This is just speculation though because we don’t know what changes are coming for professions.

But I think it’s fair. Gatherers usually make tons of gold at the start of expansion, and they hardly need to spend any gold to level it up. While crafters have to spend tons of gold at the start of expansions to level their professions.

Prices will pick up again, once a bunch of the “Get rich gathering”-players get discouraged, i doubt the prices will reach the lofty heights of the beginning of the expansion though, since we now have recrafting instead of crafting all-new items, and recrafting is less material-intensive.

If we get new materials in a patch, expect the price for those to be steep, but that will be subject to the same slump eventually.

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