[GD Lounge][Breakfast Club] šŸ„§

Weird, a cow that drink coffee. A nice hay bale instead? :blush:

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I once tried a coffee that wasnā€™t a coffee - but a substitute for coffee, for those who donā€™t want coffee, but still want coffee and without caffein :coffee:

When I poured hot water over it, it smelled like hay :confounded:

And I prefer fresh grass over hay :sunglasses:

Edit: I wonder if Iā€™ll be restricted from posting soon, I keep getting the read-only message :hushed:

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Think itā€™s just a bug on the forums as a lot of people are getting it today too.

Only real coffee is allowed btw, fake coffee? Might as well drink tea :face_vomiting: lol

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It was a moment of I have never tried this before - I wonder what it taste like

In its pure form, it smells deliciousā€¦ Like some maroccan spice mix.
Hot water poured on it makes it smell like hay.
And the taste isā€¦ Nothing! It taste like hot water :no_mouth:


I had smoked Atlantic salmon on bread I baked myself this morning :3

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Uruk, did youā€¦did you just have a whole bowl of Eton Mess for breakfast? If you were not already, I may have to promote you to an honourary English personā€¦ Cream and strawberries, preferably with cheeky bits of meringue. I swear, if my butler prepared those for me at ten oā€™ clock each morning I would be prepared to accept their claim that there are in fact -two- ten oā€™ clocks in the day, and that one of them is in the morningā€¦and get up in time to eat it. Eton Messā€¦not had that in a long timeā€¦ Not to be confused with ā€˜Etonian Messā€™ which is what happens when you elect the current UK Prime Ministerā€¦

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Good evening.

I know itā€™s night but I wish you all great weekend!


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Itā€™s warm, itā€™s sunny, and itā€™s my birthday. Life is good.


Happy birthday!



Happy Bā€™day lad! :birthday:


Hads gnome for breakfasts, was cheap cheap.

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Happy Birthday, Uruk!

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Had some of the nicest hot-dogs this morning.

But otherwise hows errbody doing today? :3

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Pretty bad. Itā€™s too warm out and Iā€™m hungry :frowning:

How about if i give you a scooby snack?

I went through some crushing disappointment just now. I boosted a mage since I bought BfA yesterday, and was devastated that I could not immediately start going to old raids on her. This suuuuuucks. :slightly_frowning_face: