[GD Lounge][The Dungeon] ⛓

So so glad to see you back!!!
I hope you get your cat!!! (hugs)

Return Pagan mead fest I feel!!!, lots of belly bumping, quaffing and heroic tales!!!


And songs! Don’t forget songs!

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I’m back from forum jail!! :partying_face:


Then, here’s the next punishment!

Disclaimer: having an anti bonk helmet negates this penalty.

Disclaimer #2: this is just a very mild bonk. Don’t worry! You shouldn’t suffer a head crack from it.

Welcome bacc! :v:


Welcome back

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I do not deserve this extra punishment!! I stand by the “inappropriate” comment that got me sent away for 24 hours and would do it again if the person/s it was aimed at made another thread trying to garner sympathy for the really terrible things they did on AD this past year.

Now, Souly… you can send some headbonks his way :joy:


…why am I everyone’s messenger? Swabs! I deserve better, too!
Be that way then!

prepares the bonk hammer for the top redhead of the forums

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Ho-boy… The forums are an absolute :poop:show at the moment, huh?

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Ahw I just saw it and it got unlisted just as I was about to join in :confused:

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It was a moist entertaining thread
It was fun while it lasted.

Moist cake:


Were you a bad girl?


It is always fun to watch someone have a complete tantrum/meltdown whilst calling everyone else snowflakes :joy:

I do hope his parents give him enough attention whilst he can’t post here though…


Good Morning

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Good morning, Puny!

I kinda sorta wish we could keep the general chat in one thread. I’m not sure when/why it got divided like this.

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Lounge topics have been kind of traditional in most versions of the forum.

I can understand it’s a pain if there are multiples on the go though.

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It’s mainly that Tesla said GM in the other thread and I noticed you always say it here and it’s pretty quiet here. I don’t want anyone to feel lonely or anything, I know it silly, that’s just me :smiling_face_with_tear:

You are very kind.

I’m not a fan of the ‘please delete this’ or ‘please don’t delete this threads’ myself. They are too prone to getting locked.

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