GDKP and its destruction of community

Hey ,

Time for a long description on how / why GDKP is in the end a very bad ting for the community as a hole and keeps messing up RDF heroics on a daily basis !

First and foremost , you get a fair chunk of people who splurge real money on boost to 80 then sit in w/e boosting zone for their level paying ingame currency while the person is browsing the web for the cheapest Gold seller website to bolster their maximum boost to 85 , when said person hits 85 they immidiatly find a GDKP or even worse 13/13 6-9 guaranteed BIS HC items only 350-500k gold raids.

Once they have done that and have their gear they know 0 about how to play their class/spec and keeps wiping people in RDF`s doing below 0 effort and when you point out that they are underperforming aka not healing / tanking / dps they get extremly toxic and throw´s their toys out the pram and hurls insults and then “brags” about their 13/13 hc which they spent 13/13 fights dead or in a corner because they PAID for it !

There is no way shape or form that this is good / desirable community to play an cooperative online game because when you RMT ur way to gear you dont play!!!

And before the “trolls” of the forum wake up ill pre emptive your answers with my own answers to your blatent trolling !

A . GDKPS are inherently bad for community no matter how you twist and turn it

B. No im not poor , No im not jelly did it all in original cataclysm with skilled people when it was actually a HARD game but now with retail client its not even remotly fun

C. 9/10 GDKP players are selling their gold (organizers) to 3rd party websites and that is a proven fact, its a means of making an extra income while “playing” a video game !

So blizzard you can choose to let your playerbase dwindle or you can actually do what you did with Season of Discovery and outrigt BAN all GDKP raids / events all togheter and the community will be better for it !

in the end its a video game that people play to have fun not to keep being insulted by creditcards and scammers when you simply tell them that they are doing it wrong !

Best example is : Gehennas realm nr 1 gkdp server and when you get players from that realm in RDF you either leave or get vote kicked because they dont comprehend the first thing about kill order or which mobs has what abilities !

Take Zul Aman and Flame Casters … 0 of gehennas that i have meet in RDF know to spellsteal / purge / stunlock them to avoid them absolutly dismantle a group !

Keep this up blizzard and it will be the end of Classic / retail E tc !

Ps. GDKP / Gbid is a form of gambling which is illegial in several countries just a word of “warning” Ds.


Didnt bother to read all that. Terrible headache atm.
I guess you want to convey gdkp=bad ,which i support.

Sad reality is that lots of players just dont care and happily participate in gdkps, Streamers selling gold (straight up non stop gdkps for 8 hours is surely legit right? RIGHT?) and worst of all, blizzard just does not care enough about the issue to properly adress it.

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Yes this is why we can’t have nice things.

We completely messed up Classic with our boosting/meta/speedrunning/parsing/GOGOGO/pay-to-win culture

Not that I’d personally consider Cataclysm to be a ‘nice thing’ I loathe the expansion and will never play it - but this, again, is a symptom of our mindset. Blizzard are not blameless in this. They could have easily done something to tackle the rampant boosting, GDKP and it’s associated botting and goldbuying - but chose not to.

Instead they concluded that “most of us just want to be carried through fast, easy content as quickly as possible” and that’s what they gave us (along with level boosts and WoW Tokens), because we appeared to ask for it. And here we are in a situation in which ‘Classic’ has been replaced with the first true retail expansion - purely to cater for the GOGOGO brigade.

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Well yes, GDKP is bad. But as bliz refuses to ban gdpk in cata classic, the only thing that you can do is to find similar minded ppl, form a guild and do raids with the system you prefer. It seems hard at first, but in the end it worth it. I did that for my alt (as main already in the guild static 10ppl and we doing alright with 13/13hc) and while that party not doing as well as my main we still doing some hc’s and having fun. And we’re just going with group loot in both main and alt static so there’s that and there’s no conflicts so far, so I wish you luck if you decide to go this way.