Turns out the ban on GDKP has literally done nothing to reduce the demand for gold. The price of gold initially dropped for about a week and is now over double of what it was when the GDKP ban was announced. Botting is at an all time high. I guess people really are paying 1500g for BOEs or buying elixirs that cost 40s to make for 10g a pop. The way things are shaping up with SOD you will actually be looking at 1k flasks at 60.
Have to admit I personally thought the GDKP ban would have a bigger & longer lasting effect, but it seems that the playerbase is so degenerate that’s its slowly destroying the game from the inside out.
yeah except you can only deck out a few spots with boe’s. in a gdkp you can buy something for every spots + the gear is often even better. to say gdkp doesn’t increase goldbuying in any shape and form is straight up delusional. without gdkp ban things would have gotten more worse.
problem is that it cut ingame farm for a lot of the lazy adults that play this game, who would rather run gdkp on alts than buy gold. now these people are just buying gold lol, ive had screenshots of actually good players that i know with 30silvers left on their account after the gdkp ban
I dont think so.
Gold prices have risen faster than in all of P1 (although there was GDKP there).
I think it would be just a little stronger.
But in contrast, we have a banned loot system and the same problems, even a little worse.
It has been proven more impressively than ever that you have to fight the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms
The only thing I can think of that would speak against it would be if they had banned an immense number of bots and thus massively restricted gold generation. But this tbh i really doubt.
The epic boe items being sold for insane prices are targeting the people who were buying gold before and have sizable stash now. This will be around for a while yet.
The prices dont seem high, ESPECIALLY when you realize its the start of week 2.
People wont stop buying gold. And the fact that Blizzard has increased prices on legit everything, is pure insanity. They are shooting themselves in the foot for the sake of burning out a few big gold buyers. It wont happen. And id say its having the opposite effect.
Trinket swap ? 70g, Profession Plans etc ? 15-20+ g, mounts ? What was it 90-100g? Its pointless. People that played p1 “fair” had very little room to earn massive gold. You could have done all the quests, thats about… 150g or so, and you could have farmed and worked the AH a bit, lets say another 100g.
If Blizzard really wanted to adjust this, they should have lowered the prices, reduced the incentive to buy gold, starve the boters out. Then at 60 up the epic mount and all the other stuff.
I started with 225g in P2 and had 380g at lvl 40 just through dungeon grind.
After Mount, training Profession, getting some gear from ah (5-10g), epic recipes (40g), the Ratchet Rune and Raid Prep i was at 80g.
Everything is so expensive and i can understand everyone who buys there gold instead of farming.
For my epic leather helm i need 25 of the green salvage units from the Raid (8g in ah) and something from tailor (120g).
I am pleased. People are amused by the GDKP ban, but they will now need even more gold for everything. Gold will still be bought, you can’t stop it and Blizzard won’t stop it. The gold is now being spent more on BOES and consumables and normal players have no money to afford these things
Exactly my original argument against GDKP was this argument, but here we’re with the gold prices over double of what they were when the ban got announced. This shows the demand is higher than ever with or without GDKP. It also Shows GDKP is just a minor contributing factor to the overall demand for gold. At most the price of gold fell very briefly to 20% of it’s initial value before skyrocketing again. Buying gold is that ingrained into the playerbase they will do it with or without GDKP it seems.
Get ready for the “it’s classic” crew to come bite your ankles. Mount + training was originally much lower price in SoD, they changed it last minute before p2 to match the original Classic price, and people who complained got targetted by that crew, cause apparently you can farm 100g/hour, and if you can’t then “you shouldn’t be playing the game”.
To be honest, it was kind of predictable if you look at it. For a few reasons. Think of it through the mind of a gold buyer:
Can’t buy raid items anymore, so they have to resort to buying high quality BoE’s. They did so before, but now it’s their only option. Thus, the demand for these items increases and so, their prices increase too.
Higher prices on BoE’s, on its turn, will increase demand for Gold, since while before a couple hundred Gold would get you one of those good BoE’s (which was already very expensive, driven by demand generated by Gold buyers), now the “few hundred” has turned into 1k+, specially for epic quality ones (and even blues are selling for 500+ sometimes).
Higher demand for Gold drives Gold prices up. It’s simple market economics at work. But god forbid you said something like this during p1, and I’m assuming god forbid you do it now, the anti-Gdkp crew will jump you and devour your soul. (and yes, I’m already expecting hate from this exact post)
What all of these points conclude at, is making legit players have a much harder time facing the economy, where their Gold, although it’s in higher quantities than in p1, is now actually proportionally worth a lot less (due to all of these points leading to a much higher inflation rate than what would otherwise happen). You have to spend more hours to farm the same proportion of gold that you would need to fit whatever needs in p1.
But maybe it will sort itself out. I have a friend who believes the “market” is some sort of sentient being that naturally adjusts itself, rather than the wills of the people being made manifest. Maybe he’s right, who knows! I mean, he read it in a book!
And now let the anti-Gdkp enter the arena and throw their punches at me for stating the obvious. I know, I know, they all think I’m some gold buyer, Gdkp-lovin-card-swiper who just wants to get cheap BiS items from raids. They’ll do anything to avoid facing the truth, and they’ll insult you if you try to do it, so go on, anti crew, throw your insults now! I’m waiting ^^
It got rid of the GDKPs, that was the point. You like to focus on the RMT aspect because that’s something which is almost impossible to eliminate entirely. Banning GDKP was about far more than RMT.
I think if you take a step back and actually think for a second what Blizzard are trying to (going to with AI) achieve, you’ll realise.
Ok, first of all. If the price for gold is going up that means the banning of GDKP is having a positive effect on those who wish to buy gold, basically, the demand is higher because it’s harder to obtain and farm, harder to wash and harder to move around. It’s a business for those guys, if they are charging you more…it’s because their process got harder and/or more time consuming. There’s less bought gold moving freely and the arms race has been nullified.
The reason Blizzard have banned GDKP is for one reason and one reason alone, to stop the RMT mails disguised as “here’s your GDKP” cut. They literally said this is in a live stream. They are after the gold buyers make no mistake about that.
You may have also seen recently in the news that prices for subs are increasing by upto 3000% in more impoverished countries. Their data likely shows that it’s actually VPN’s that are “buying” most of these subs and likely with dodgy credit cards. It is false information to claim that Blizzard benefit financially from RMT.
What Blizzard likely have up their sleeves and are likely “testing” in SoD is some AI updates to the warden system.
So gold buyers? Keep buying gold because you are playing into their hands on this little test realm. You watch, give it a few months and there will be massive gold buyer bans. With GDKP out of the way it only makes the AI’s data scans A. A lot faster and B. smoother.
Some of you need to take a step back and actually listen, then “think”.
The numbers don’t lie. Doesn’t matter how much someone saved up. This is about the cost of gold doubling in P2 since the GDKP ban announcement. This is solid evidence that gold buying is more rampant than ever with or without GDKP. I’m not saying it wouldn’t still be a factor, but it’s obvious that it’s not what is driving the botting and gold buying frenzy. Playerbase is buying more and more gold than ever with no GDKP.
Yes, exactly. Much more easier to detect too. You should probably at least give the dev’s a listen to before declaring your “opinion” as gospel.
You can agree there’s less means of which to wash gold now yes? There’s less ways in which to hide gold movement now yes? Think.
“The numbers don’t lie”… I think Blizzard have eyes on a bit more “numbers” (data) than you. Banning of GDKP isn’t/wasn’t their plan, it’s just part of their plan.
No it wasn’t. It’s a test to see if it had an impact on botting and gold buying, which is clearly hasn’t. If you want to pretend to yourself it’s got something to do with keeping the integrity the social aspect of guild raid runs then you’re deluding yourself. Just as many pug raid runs going on as GDKP which are basically the same without gold bidding.
It was an experiment, it failed massively. Next phase you’ll see the ban lifted because it has a minimal effect on the actual real problem which is the playerbase. They will spend regardless whether GDKP exists or not. All the ban does now is remove an aspect of the game that a portion of the playerbase enjoyed. I don’t include myself in this because I would rather raid in a guild, but if something is proven to be wrong then why punish the legitimate players who enjoy GDKP?
I don’t know what stupid things you’re talking about, prices will increase from phase to phase, nothing to do with the GDKP ban and yes, idiots continue to buy gold to pay for everything that is still available like AH . On the other hand, no more GDKPs carries so that the whales can be stuffed effortlessly. You’ll have to stick your fingers out a little more.
Stop crying about the death of GDKPs, it won’t come back and we just hope that Blizzard now cares more about gold buyers, ban life, no second chances.