Gdkp SR HR tokens Gbid...loot system

Make loot system similar to retail… GDKP and SR HR bs is turning alot of ppl off… even i discuss this with ppl in whispers and all agree that its killing the game… I just wanna log in search for a Raid grp, Link my achiv or my ilvl or smthing and play… Funny thing is ppl who support SR HR and GDKPs say “haha so what? u need everything for free?” Like… When did this game became a Raid Market place… i like the non sweatyness of classic instead of retail but u simply Cant play it if u dont have gold or join grps where ppl serve everything for themselves and Gbding the Tokens… if u want ppl to play do smthing about this…


just join a proper group?

Problem with sr groups is people leaving when their sr didnt drop and there goes the raid. Happens to me many many times.

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If you don’t like GDKPs, just don’t do them? I do GDKPs regularly and there’s some good income when I don’t want loot. Or I buy some loot, but in the end, I get all the gold back. It’s up to you how you balance it.

Without RMT the income in GDKPs would be extremely low. Its about whales, getting whatever drop they want, and numerous leechers, washing botted gold. Without RMT involved, the overall gold spend and earned by each raider would be much lower, resulting in GDKPs being much less attractive.

Thats the main reason why many people dont like GDKPs.


And here we have another sheep closing it´s eyes to obvious RMT or just not caring at all.


If you had a magic switch and was able to remove 100% of RMT, GDKP would still exist.

GDKP scales with the server economy. Items in TBC were 500g Bids, WoTLK it was like 1-2k Bids and now in Cata its 5-10k Bids because the amount of gold in the game.

Obviously we were a lot more poor in TBC so items were cheaper but the % of your gold cost is roughly the same. Like your average non Hardcore player had something like 2k Gold in TBC which means they could bid roughly on 4 items at min bid. WoTLK it was around 10k so you could again min bid on roughly 5 items. Cata people have roughly 50k so again you can min bid on 5 items. You see where this is going?

If we had no RMT then we would just have items costing 1/4 the price and everyone who was doing them now would still be doing them.

I agree RMT is an issue but they are 2 seperate issues. RMT affects the server economy which indirectly affects GDKP. If we are all broke because of no bots then GDKP prices would be low but they would still exist.

This has been explained to Blizzard and the community x100 but there is still this big misconception about this because most of the complainers who criticise GDKP have never done one, so it makes this topic get filled with hogus bogus opinions.

GDKP has the most positives out of any Loot System on WoW. It promotes PUGing which is massive because most adults can not be restricted to certain schedules 100% of the time because life, kids and work. Secondly, it promotes a high performance goal where good players are willing to play with worse players and carry them for better rewards, so the weaker players get to clear harder content which they wouldn’t be able to do in a normal PUG. It also means leaving is discouraged as all loot and gold is traded at the end so theres an incentive to stay to the end for your gear and reward. You are always are rewarded at the end of a Raid so even if you don’t win anything you are feeling like your time was less wasted. Promotes making ALT characters which inturn leads to having more people leveling in the world and people at max level organising high number of PUGS.

GDKP downside is that its based off server economy, which isn’t an negative until you realise that Blizzard allows RMT and Bots to ravage all versions of WoW. RMT affecting the server economy inflates GDKP prices to where people feel like they also have to do RMT to keep up with the gold inflation. Blizzard not tackling RMT is what causing inflation and they have admitted to this that they don’t tackle this issue because it doesn’t gain them profit.

At the end of the day this inflation isn’t caused by GDKP as SoD has banned GDKP for 90% of its lifetime and RMT is bigger in SoD probably than any version of WoW right now.

People who are blaming GDKP for RMT and gold inflation don’t understand the issue sadly. An analogy to what people who blame GDKP are saying is like you being Diagnosed with a cancerous tumour on your kidney and instead of removing the tumour(bots) and keeping the kidney(GDKP), you remove the entire kidney and then the best part 2 months later, you found out it was stage 2 cancer that spread from the serrounding tissue, so you basically removed the Kidney(GDKP) for no reason and you are left with the same problem of the cancer(bots). This is the situation what happened with SoD. RMT in this game is a choice by Blizzard if they want it or not. They can invest with a loss of money to keep the game fair or do nothing like they are now but please stop scapegoating for them blaming its GDKP for the bots. Look at the mess of SoD and realise that every pro GDKP was right and you guys were wrong…

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No. There are several individuals who are obviously selling the gold they make via gdkps. Take Ciciban for example. It´s this dude´s job to organize raids and sell the gold he makes.

If there was literally zero rmt or botting, gdkp would be a good loot system, akin to dkp → you get rewarded if you spent more time in the game.

I did not bother to read any more of your gdkp glorifying text there.

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And in retail there’s like 10 other sources of getting gear equal to raid gear.
Just won’t work in classic to force them to do ms>os.

Yeah man, 500g for an item in TBC. Yup. Didn’t get bid way above that ever.

Here’s an item from Classic WoW with ONE item going for 198k gold.
At lvl 60.
Would you say 198.000 Gold is more or less than 500 Gold?

you don’t want that, gpdk is the worst thing ever, but on retail you have direct boosts with shared/not shared loot. it’s even worst than gdkp


That was because mage and hunter farming exploits were in the game. Blizzard refused to tackle this issue until TBC until it was too late. You had BOTs pulling entire dungeons making 1k gold an hour and soloing Raid trash.

Blizzard said no changes and didn’t ban bots so the amount of gold pumped into game was unreal. Gold was so cheap because of it and lots of players started swiping. Also everyone who was playing the gsme seriously also had an Alt mage they were doing this on.

I remember using /who and seeing 1000s of people in dungeons doing exploits. Everyone start paying mages for boosts because it was x200 quicker than leveling that put even more gold into this exploit.

After 100s of millions gold being added to the game. Blizzard said they realise the problem and they said “oh maybe we should of made changes” and started trying to nerf it but they realised it was too late 2 years later when they tried to intervene.

They did kill the mage pulling the entire instance but now the bots were all on Blackrock Mountain pick pocketing again for 1000s of gold an hour. Blizzard again took 1 year to push out a ban wave so even by the time some BOTs got banned, even more millions of gold was in the game. Low level Mobs are now made to stun youn dungeons abd pickpocketing was nerfed.

Basically all these changes came 2-4 years too late so when Blizzard did them and saw how little impact they did because the damage was already done they gave up. SoD was them trying to fix these issues from the start and removed GDKP but RMT was just as bad and actually worse than in Classic. SoD has a lot of massive gold grinds tied to progression and I know a lot more people who swiped for SoD than any version of the game.

This is the Lore. Allowed bots to run the economy for 4 years straight and Blizzard gave up. They retried on SoD and since the BOTers knew it was free in Classic they tried again in SoD and when Blizzard put a little bit of pressure on them, the Boters started boting smarter and did more then Blizzard gave up again. Now SoD has no GDKP but has just as much or more RMT than other versions of the game. This is why items go for 200k gold in classic.

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Another GDKP whining post. For those who have a working brain :

A = GDKPs are fair
B = GoldSellers are unfair

A+B = GDKPs are unfair

Spoiler Alert : I like GDKPs, I hate GoldSellers


Would like to add that goldbuyers are the real core of the problem. Without goldbuyers, goldsellers would be out of business in the blink of an eye.

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Let’s study this ok ?

What will happen if you ban Goldbuyers ?

GoldSellers will still find a way to sell their gold, that what they did for 20years

What will happen if you ban Goldsellers ?

People won’t be able to buy Gold, so Goldbuyers will disapear.

When you want to solve a problem, you do it from the roots

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You are missing details about it too. Without RMT GDKP would have too small gold pots at the end and bids on gear wouldn’t start from 20K but around 2-5K in Cata or something that players can farm by themselves in a reasonable time frame.

Without ability to circulate and sell gold for RMT GDKP raid leaders wouldn’t be interested gathering this “PUGs” either, when now they have 3/4 of the raid of proven raider’s alts or at least players from progressing guilds beaches who come for easy gold and have gear and skill to complete the raid.

People attend to GDKP now only because they can earn far more in it, than by doing regular farming.

Just because something does not get policed does not mean one should engage in such activity.
The majority of the blame falls on the players here. Of course, blizzard could do a better job (or even start) with banning bots etc, but oh well.

I think the only smart way to deal with boting is to go the FF14 route and remove money from progression. In FF14 money is practically worthless if you play PvE. Moneys only value is with Free Companys and player housing.

A part from Food buff and potions, nothing costs gold. In WoW money is so tied to progression, your abilities cost 100s of gold, your mount and riding skill. Gems and enchants on every piece of gear and obviously 2 crafting professions for PvE offensive stats.

Thats a lot of gold per character. Also FF14 you only have one character that can be every class so you need to do any progression grind once and never again.

literally, blizzard sell gold themself on the shop with WoW tokens, so what is your actual problem? Blizzard is getting a huge cut by allowing GDKP’s to stay. you make it sound like GDKP is a problem because of the organisers potentially sell gold, but in reality, blizzard is selling gold xD

You have absolutly no clue about the goldselling bro.

Goldsellers sell their gold at a lower price than the WoW Token.

For 60E you get :

90k Gold from WoW Tokens
105k Gold from Gold Sellers AT LEAST

No body use the WoW Token to have a 500k+ gold pouch