Gear leveling problems

Am I missing something? I can’t find any information about a catch up gear vendor (just for gold) at level 70.

Reason I’m asking about this is because, you can update your gear on alts. But then you reach level 70 so fast that you still have really low stat gear for TWW (I’m 268 ilvl). I upgraded my gear at level 40 on my DK. I just got to level 70 and gear I picked up in dungeons along the way have wildy low stats on. I didnt pick up a weapon at any point, so its 192 ilvl (which is what you get at 40 for the gear update), and it does 52-88 Damage… I cant kill anything, I’m dying crazy fast, anything on AH is 10k gold plus…

So my question is, apart from the Residual Memories vendor… is there a gold vendor to update your gear once you’re at level 70, or is this just a huge oversight to make leveling so fast that you never actually get the gear upgrades needed for TWW? because I now have a level 70 that I would like to get to 80, but can’t stand the pain of tickling mobs with a feather duster.

There is no catchup mechanic for turbo levelled characters. Edit : You can buy old greens on AH, but they are likely expensive now. You can do old raids solo for at least higher ilvl than 192, the heart of azeroth is also ilvl 332 or so, you can do questing in Dragonflight, which would give you appropriate lvl70 quality loot.

Or you could do dungeons and get carried/slowly work through TWW quests and pickup upgrades from quests.

So, I got to TWW, did 1 dungeon as tank, I didnt die… but did no damage (think I was on 1.7k dps). So after that I did some world quests, got a weapon, belt, cloak, 2x trinkets. Got to 71, went to AH, bought 2 rings, neck, chest, engineering helm, boots, and wrists.

So now Im all set, took no time at all really, so my initial concerns were cost of AH gear, but the level 71 blues are really reasonably priced. Their 515-528ilvl some items costing just 95g, and highest cost was rings at 700g each. But totally worth it, think I spent about 3k gold and did 5 world quests (1 more and Ill get the gear cache from weekly quest). So yeah… I was moaning a little initially but all good now xD

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They should do what MoP did, just gave you vendors to buy starter gear for the questing.
The gear is bad, but it’s good enough to quest just fine.

My mage kill mobs at 71 like they’re big elites, alot of efforts to kill a mob.
And the gear on AH is like 10k+ a piece if youre lucky.

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Good to hear it’s all sorted.

Wonder how that felt for the healer. But good job on getting there

Honestly, I wasn’t even close to dying. Presumably the heals were just overhealing my tiny health quite easily xD

Main thing I struggled with was trying to keep aggro with no damage.

That’s exactly what I was thinking and what I was looking for. It would essentially just be the highest ilvl gear that they give characters for a gear refresh.

Also, go to AH and there are some cheap level 71 blues you can buy. They increase your power massively and are way cheaper than the greens. Range between 515-528 ilvl, usually get a chest, boots, wrists, rings and neck, and you can get engineering goggles if you have level 1 TWW engineering.