Gearing for multispec?

Hello everyone,

While i am still hesitating between “maining” my hunt (vs my warlock), i am leaning towards hunt as - i believe - it offers more versatility, does roughly the same type of DPS and fills the same type of purpose/gameplay (range DPS + pet based potential spec for stuff like delve soloing etc)
AND, it also bring a melee DPS spec to the table which seems to be doing ok (never tested)

My idea is :
BM for Delve solo, old content solo maybe some pvp
MM for open world/questing/Pug/Dungeon/Explo
Surv for the same as MM but change of gameplay/experience

Now, here comes my question : how much different should the gear be between MM/BM/Surv ?
Surv needs a melee weapon, obviously :smiley:
But what about the other stats ? I have checked online and it looks like secondary stats are relatively similar unless you are really trying to ;in-max which will not be my case …? Correct ?

Cheers !

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