Gearing for mythic dungeons

My character right now wearing mostly adventurer and explorer gear from the previous season. I want to run some mythics and beyond, so I need to somewhat upgrade my gear. Trying to understand the quick options I have:

  1. World quests with gear rewards: Explorer 1/8, 454
  2. Quest “Blooming Dreamseeds”: Explorer 3/8, 460. Probably “A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens” and “The Superbloom” will reward Explorer items as well.
  3. “A Burning Path Through Time”, Champion, 493
  4. “Last Hurrah: Dragon Isles”, Champion, 493

Are there any weekly quests from the previous seasons with gear reward that I should check? Other gear sources, outside from obvious ones like farming timewalking dungeons or normal and heroic dungeons?

Not 100% on the new item level and events but I think do all the events out there Time Rifts, Researchers Under Fire etc.
The events in the Hurrah Weekly quest give 480, this week it’s Feast, Hunt and Siege.
The Hurrah quest itself gives 493.
World Bosses probably drop something (RNG of course) that is quite high too.

You’d end up with a bunch of pieces ranging from 463 to 493 in an afternoon.

You gotta go old School .

So spam normal then hc dungeons and then m0

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You can do timewalking dungeons they reward heroic dungeon level gear without the ilvl requirement of heroic dungeons. Awakened world activities also seem to give pretty good gear (dragonbane keep, grand hunts and soup this week).