Gender neutral pets

Hi Blizzard,

I think now is the best time for you to show you want to ‘do better’.

Please provide the game with gender neutral pets.

Best wishes,



we have them, they are called vulpera, didnt dwarfs get the memo?


Don’t lecture us about how to treat animals when you enslave them and have them fight for you.


My hunter have a wolf who identify as them on tuesdays.

Thats life.


Aren’t snails basically gender neutral? Or fluid. Or whatever its called.

I want gender neutral weapons first.


My pet has no gender … at least didn’t have any the last time I checked.

The pet would tell you gender and pronoun if you ask nicely.

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No, most snails are hermaphrodites (having both sets of reproductive organs). Those that are hermaphrodites can reproduce without a partner.

Gender fluid/neutral is more a mental state of how some people see/identify their genders.

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its all very confusing tbh… best to stay out of it if u don’t know what it means lol like myself.

be free to be what you like… but leave me in peace to live my life :stuck_out_tongue:

Almost all pets are gender neutral. I can only think of Barrens lions that show any dimorphism.

Now thats the issue.
The virutal signaling, cancel culture brigade, cannot leave you alone.
You must attone for your sins of being diferent and they need to shove their ideias down your throat!

Welcome to the raging tweenties!


they can try but they might not like what i have to say in return when they try to shove anything down my throat …

Honestly, this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen here.

Sure they can when I activate my face down trap card: Mirror Force!

It’s funny how many people will openly out themselves as transphobic for the laughs.

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Nearly as amusing as tossing that buzzword around at anyone who points out how stupid some ideas are. Such as thinking nonsense like gender-fluidity has anything to do with transitioning.

voicing annoyance at the stupidity of a thread such as this…

does not make someone transphobic.

written by a trans person or not… 90% certain this is most likely a troll thread anyway …

but given the stupidity in the world today there is always that 10% you know…

no full genderless no bodyfluits

Ahh Weekend threads, it has been a while. Well, by definition, a week.

Bit low effort though, given that whether you’re talking Hunter Pets or Battlepets, pretty much all of them don’t have a gender assigned anyway!

2/10 OP. Could do better…