A guide about factions has been scrapped, and instead, I’m refocusing on making it about professions and their use in RP. Work continues on.
Post for preventing the thread to be closed
A new guide has been added. This one speaks of professions and how one can use them for roleplay, be it a side job, full job or a skill you can give your character for events.
The next guide is coming soon, always nice to read through the guides specially for Rp beginners
Next guide has been delayed due to… me being lazy. Not ashamed to admit it. I like making my guides to help people, so it will just be when I get time to do so.
Thank you for the guides <3
The next guide will be worked on to give some roleplay tips on how to RP each current playable race!
If you haven’t checked out Tenasa’s guides to RP, you have missed out. Honestly. Not only are they very informative and very pretty to look at with gorgeous pictures made with Narcissus. They are funny as heck as well!
Even though I’ve done RP in WoW since vanilla, and LARP as well, I still get those moments where I go… “Oh… I didn’t think of that.” when I read Tenasa’s guides. Everyone can learn something new. Or just get confrimation in that they’re doing things right.
So go check them out, yeah!
A new guide will be written in time. Currently on a campaign with my guild, so my focus has been divided
These are tons of Helpful guides! I highly reccomend looking at them, regardless of your RP experience!
Tenasa, if you would allow me to ask… Do you happen to have a guide to TRP extended? It would be really great to have one, if not, given how it enhances RP ^^
A guide on TRP will be what I will focus on. I was attempting to make a guide on all playable races, but the sheer scope of that is daunting given the massive number of races we have now.
Another guide is in the making!
After extensive delays, I have finally made the next guide. Suggested by Robokiller, I have made a guide on making a TRP3 guide. It doesn’t go fully into the extended part where you can create items and quests, as that is a little beyond my understanding.
But I added video links so people can still learn from others who have more grasp on the topic than I.
In addition:
The dracthyr guide has been slightly updated to include the new classes that they can now play.
Thanks for your work, Ten!!!
A character-sheet but in the game! I really like TRP3, I’ve been using it for years. But when I started out, it wasn’t that easy to figure out. I found a guide back then, but it was quite complicated.
And then Tenasa comes in and makes it all understandable! I wish I had had such a guide when I started out, honestly. Things would have been so much easier then.
Business as usual with Tenasas guides, they’re always clear and easy to understand. And, let’s not forget, FUNNY!
If you haven’t checked them out, go ahead and do so!
As the year comes to its end and a new one soon will begin, I will continue to look at new guides to help people with roleplaying. I always accept suggestions on topics that could use some pointers, and what you may want to see.
See you in 2025.
Really helpful guides for new players. If you’re looking for new ideas, maybe explaining other useful addons could be helpful, ex Listener, TypingTracker etc? Or also the different types of magicks in wow, as honestly the void/shadow thing still confuses me as well and is bound to become more relevant with Midnight.
I remember doin an event with the Veilbound Vigil in Hallowfal and we encountered someone that was a fan of Tenasa’s guides and instantly knew it was them. Was a great encounter and we all had a laugh about the coincidence of running in to eachother during RP there but yeah, shout out to Tenasa’s guides and the people supporting him with keeping this thread going. Even if you don’t make use of it yourself, plenty of other people may find use for it so lets keep it going peeps and don’t forget to share the guides around to people you think could make use of it, you never know how much people can appreciate help if they are new or beginning ^^
The nexr guide to be worked on will be about the different types of magic, to help introduce people to them and how they are used, what is their limits and other features.