General RP Chat #52: *A flash of light did nothing*

If you’re willing to take the risk of running into some questionable RP (but it really isn’t as bad as some people claim), go to Stormwind and do an RP scan. I’m fairly sure there’s gonna be at least some folks around either the Cathedral Square (but it is absolutely essential to read through anyone’s TRP before you approach to see if they’re legit. If you read enough of those you’ll fairly easily pick up the common trademarks of Goldshire immigrants, lollers and godmoters) or Lion’s Rest.

Alternatively, you can try joining a well populated guild. Most of those will have a discord server with an RP finder channel where you should find at least some people with your schedule.

I’ve been around Stormwind often enough to know how to spot the bad apples. Sadly at my stupid hours I mostly see people around the auction house and on the memeroof. I wonder if there’s a Battletag community for roleplayers who play at dumb hours.

There used to be a custom chat named Nightowls. If it hasn’t, it should be revived as a Community with these new features.

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It’s my birthday today! Mana cakes for all!


Happy birthday, my dude!

Seeing as I’m basically the opposite of a night owl that one might not work for me but I’ll look into it. Who knows what it might lead to.

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Grats on the level up!

As a small birthday present, I have also opened up an Open Roleplay for those of you interested! I figured we couldn’t really call ourselves a RP forum without at least a few of those!

Everyone’s invited!


The old forums used to have tons of these. I’ve been wondering what happened that made those threads go away. Back in the day I was always a bit scared to jump in (and too busy with roleplaying in the actual game) but now that most of my time on the forums is spent killing time at work I might as well jump in. Prepare for a meeting with a Dwarf, a hunter or, oh god no, a grumpy old paladin.

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I want your job, now.

You really don’t.

If you bring your hunter, I am so going to expect at least one ‘clever girl’ reference from them during the roleplay~


Not a dream diary but I had a dream that vividly detailed a forsaken death knight character in looks, transmog and roleplay concept. It is fated that I make it for play one day. It wants to exist.

Okay… okay. Okay.
There. Made a rogue for her. No more polearms. (#bigsadblizzardgivepolearmstoroguespls)

But I can’t take the “You’re not a riftblade, you’re a monk!” anymore.
You’ve no idea how many people just insist you have to have something to do with your OOC class.

I just like playing MW in game, I got zero interest in RPing a monk.
But there. Now our IC and OOC class somewhat match, happy times.

I feel like this roleplaying forum is awful quiet lately. Lots of the regulars seem to have disappeared. What gives? Where are you people? What’s going on in your lives?


Okay, that would be epic…ish
But I think Cenarius would be better
The WCIII Cenarius of course…
The “Who dares defile this ancient land? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and the night elves?” kind of Cenarius
Now THAT would be … fun
Well, from safe distance, anyway… preferably from another continent, or planet :eyes:

I seem to have developed a pet peeve.
People using thise little emoticon thingies in RP on the forums. It’s so unnecessary and sort of IC-breaking (if that makes any sense?) in my opinion.
I hate it. Please stop. Just make narrations about your character’s actions. Say lifts her glass, toasting instead of a stupid :wine_glass:


I was about to say the same about the forum activity.

This forum seems even more abandoned than six months ago, and even then I thought it felt pretty abandoned.

Pokes head in
Hello guys, I am back from Holiday… I then also had a few days with no PC as my Heatsink needed replacing but I am back now!

Welcome back, Tek! Hope you had a good one. This place is a bit quiet right now but maybe our favourite clumsy beastmaster could liven things up a little. <3

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The Roleplaying forum has been quiet since AD and DB ate all the other RP realms and then AD ate DB tbh and we’re in the middle of an unpopular patch in an unpopular expansion.

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I am getting the impression whenever I’m online these days that WoW’s number active players has rarely if ever been this low, and it feels like there’s been a steep and steady linear drop ever since Legion.