General RP Chat #52: *A flash of light did nothing*

Dream diary episode 73; sweets for the sweet.

I dreamt that I was prepping for guests, cleaning my home and dropped a chocolate bar on the floor by accident. It shattered, sending bits and crums all over and as I was scooping them up I found that they were absoutely teeming with small, white larvae crawling all over. The disgust and panic woke me up.

I came across this precious gem, and immediately felt an overwhelming need to share it.


I don’t know, should I be impressed or disgusted at the amount of puns. . .

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year!


Yes… even to Gnomes

My prediction came true; everything is now older but for the new.

In other news I have money at last. As much as it stings, it might be time to go purple.

MFW Vulpera are right around the corner and there hasn’t been an emissary for them for atleast a week

Soon… ™ :fox_face:

Man… the little fox totems as shamans, sleeping animation, intro quest, racials, jokes, the whole enchilada
The only problem with the Vulpera, they are Horde

Foxes are here and I ended up loving them even more than I had initially expected. They are cute, they have a background I like, and I consider the trope of a formerly-isolated group getting to explore and interact with the world for the first time to be an incredibly charming and refreshing style of RP. For some unfathomable reason, despite being very similar to goblins in quite a few aspects, they managed to feel different and distinctive.

The only thing I find very disappointing is that the visuals for their ‘Make Camp’ ability end so quickly–they last approximately half the cooldown (which is 10 minutes). Of course I know this is probably intended to combat griefing, but if those camps expired in an hour or so then I would finally have my dream of providing my guildies with some immersive camping for our travelling RP. :tent:

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So much this.

I made my fox but didn’t have time to level her yet, (damn that vision farming takes too much time) but I am excited to RP with her, and be like “What dragon? What legion? I didn’t see any legion, it sounds like a conspiracy. Ya all over-reacting, it can’t be that bad, meh.” to a Demon Hunter’s face.

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The same “new guy” angle making draenei and pandaren special, now sullenly glaring at their replacements.

Dream Diary Episode 74.

Star Wars: Pirates.

Our tale centers around a jedi master and padawan stranded in space following the emperor’s rise to power. Just as they accept death in a failing ship adrift between stars they are rescued by an ancient, ramshackle vessel. Stepping aboard, they find a crew of space pirates in more or less historical garb with a sci-fi twist; flintlock blasters and vibro-cutlasses and all.

The Cap’n is a jovial Long John Silver type, welcoming the two to the crew and it quickly becomes obvious that they have no real options, press-ganged into service but on amicable terms. The crew’s family and the family’s the crew!

They meet a young dark side twi’lek; a red skinned skinny little woman with a temper, also rescued by the ship. She explains the score; the ship is too ancient for faster than light jumps, relying instead on a complicated solar sail system to traverse its own star lanes on waves of light, able to thus ambush other ships along the way.

This has a side effect on the Force sensitive; every day they wake with the equivalent of a wicked hangover and the twi’lek is pretty fed up. Too young and fierce, she tries to “assassinate” the Cap’n in a high profile dramatic duel mutiny but is stopped by the two jedi and her sheer ineptitude and actual reluctance to take over the crew.

Crisis averted, the master and padawan settle in, trading jedi robes for longcoats and tricornes and waking up solar sick each day. The side effect of which has them staggering, grumbling and yarr’ing in good time as they become stereotypical pirates like the rest of the crew.

Heavy kinetic broadside cannons prove remarkably useful in boarding actions as modern spaceships rely on energy shields for protection that are vulnerable to a plain missile or high velocity projectile. Many imperial vessels are “scuttled” and left drifting in space as the pirates throw their lot in with rebels and republic for opportunity and freedom; nominal heroes by circumstance as they run blockades and fight for loot!

At least they have a reason to be oblivious of Azeroth’s cultures. Draenei don’t. And it triggers me every time.
They’ll probably still be used for furry eRP mostly with not a lot of actual, good RP going on in the scene. It’s too bad, they could have been fun.

Eh, it will die down soon and those will return to Belves, Velves and Worgen.
I give it two-three months, remaining Vulpera RP will be interesting by then.

People will always ERP on any race; this isn’t indicative to how one should percieve the race as a whole. Across the board, garbage will always be the norm, and good the exception.

For example, some prevalent and awful stereotypes:
Just look to every DEUS VULT male human Paladin, every Yorkshire accented Stormwind peasant, every Tolkienistic blood-elf, every Orc who’s definition of honour is “strategy is for bad guys”, and every manic-pixie-night-elf.

RP in of it’s self is the art of wading through the fanfiction of angst ridden teens, and damaged people using the escapism inherent in RP of it’s self as a substitute to life. Both parties being people who will seek to fufill their biological urges they cannot otherwise express.

But back on topic rather than spewing vitriol:

The only real way to look at any race, is to seperate your perceptions of them, from the actual lore and how the setting it’s self portrays them. And then, when you find an RPer who actually fits that portrayal, value that experience for its authenticity.



Ey up

Been workin down t’ ol mine, thought bout poppin down t’ chippy

Written human accents should not be a thing.

A lot of things that shouldn’t be still stubbornly insist upon themselves.

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Wait, wait… is that a Void Elf Marinya? Did you go with it, in the end?