Genjuros (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hey Mordrador. Gm in Triforce was Wonder, warrior and our MT. I remember you back then.

Hehe hey, I remember you!

I was Pigma, Tauren Druid offtank + healer in Descent of Dorians and Deus Ex Machina.

There’s a facebook group for Deus Ex Machina people, it’s mostly some of the core greek members talking in there but it’s nice for just keeping connected :slight_smile:

Hi Guys

I played from vanilla. My characters were:

  • Azira Undead priest
  • Kelron Troll Hunter
  • Drazo Orc Warrior
  • Breeda Undead Rogue

I was in few guilds in vanilla and BC

  • Lost Crew
  • Kung Pow
  • not sure for the names.

Can’t remember players names at the moment but if i see name/class/race i usually remember if i knew the person.

Few names from Lost Crew i remember was the GM Kabla female Orc Warrior, Strumf - hunter and Karem - druid.

If you recall any of my characters please drop me a reply.


Hey Alonix.

Honestly, didn’t expect to see a name in here I recognised! We played together in Kung Pow. Yung was who introduced me. I was Tar the Mage.

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Hello everyone!

I am the “(Shahrokh?) a crazy Druid-tank-leader guy?!” that Grizoulis mentioned.

I’ve played in Descent Of Dorians with a lot of cool guys.
Then I’ve been GM of Deus Ex Machina, the weirdest and most fun endgame experience I’ve ever had in my 19 years of MMOs.

“Dude you are a shadow priest” => Welcome and, actually, you are going to get SAME loot precedence everyone else has :sunglasses:

Finally, I played in Horizons.

Players to reconnect with: well… now that we are back to THE good old WoW, I’d like to see my old DoD and DEM friends.
I’ve not participated a lot on Facebook and stuff because I forgot most Greek words and I got tired constantly switching accounts in there.


Hi ,
I don’t know if anyone remembers me,
I am Ariel,an undead warlock.
My first guild was Afterglow,then i was a member of Eraser and after that i joined Horizons.
I still play wow(retail), casually though, and ofc now i started playing classic too:P
I only remember Sahrokh from the posts i read so far(indeed a crazy druid tank!:slight_smile:
Feel free to contact me if you know me or remember me :blush::blush:

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I do remember you!

Hello guys :slight_smile:
Anpu here from Deus Ex Machina / Descent of Dorians / Horizons
Long time no see… I remember many of you.
I am still in contact with many vanilla players (Tyaneas, Kharathos, Goonis, Aiantas, Dumraden, Archmage, Deadmagic, Miko, etc)
@Sahrokh I contacted you many times via FB, Youtube, mail in the past but got no reply :stuck_out_tongue:
@Ariel /kiss

I am playing on Stormscale too Anpu <3

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Holy crap!

Sahrokh! Long time no see old buddy!

Same like the above, Went through my entire vanilla end game “career” with Deus Ex Machina.

Currently on Noggenfogger, where I hear most of “Greekjurians” have settled.

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Because that FB account is not active any more, since years ago. I did not see anything on Youtube or email though :thinking:

I contacted you to your real active fb account too but gor no reply. Add me zorkoner#2151 to play and talk.


Hello Anpu,

long time no see!

Where are you guys? Are you all on one server?
ATM I am on the most busy server and I am not sure I want to endure more 10 hours long queues. If you are elsewhere I can reroll.

Many of us are on Noggenfogger. Tyaneas, Kharathos, Goonis and Ilmater are thinking about starting. The queues are ok, 0 to 3000, but like most servers I guess they will be 0 in some weeks when the majority will quit Classic. Contact me in game.

Whaat! Kharathos - the warrior?
He taught me all the greek words I would ever need!

hey bud I remember the nickname :slight_smile: are you still playing ?

do you also remember the name of the hunter that used to be Class Leader?

I was also playing on Kung Pow. Name Fullthrottle

I just saw the rest of the conversation lol haha. Better late than never bro :slight_smile: