In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Genjuros in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Tsuchi, Orc Warrior
- Denied? (before we transferred, forgot realm name)
- Malediction
- ???
PVP ranking (before Malediction I think), and raiding.
I played until around half way through Naxx I think.
AQ and Naxx might have been after a break (and another guild??)…after BWL/ZG things are a bit blurry…
Hey Tsuchi, how are you? 
The last guild was [Original Sin] where we did Naxx. The realm where we transferred from was Bladefist.
I played on my priest, Nagathash, back then.
…doing good, how about yourself?
Ohh right…!! [Original Sin]… and yes… now I remember, Bladefist!
You’ll be playing?
Hey, Original Sin folks! I was playing as Rane the warrior, now this character! Figured I’d see some of us back here :).
Hi Rak, itr’s good to see you here 
Yea, all is good here as well Tsuchi. I’ll probably be playing. Server and faction is still an unknown. It depends a bit on what my current guildies do. If you’re playing we could work something out. Nxs#2189 is my battle tag if you’re interested.
• Keffie, Orc Female Warlock
• Guilds :
The Saga
and possibly something else that i cant remember right now
I do have contact with some people still but not even a fraction of what we used to be 
I know i played until late vanilla until i rerolled alliance (shame on me) paladin
Keffie#2410 add me on bnet if you know me or think you know me 
Hey - didn’t really hit much end game in vanilla as I started quite late, but some of you might remember me from TBC.
Pillhead (troll mage - original character)
Wildcherry (undead shadowpriest)
Thortario (undead prot warrior)
Initially started off in Bad Taste as it transitioned from Vanilla to TBC, became part of their raiding spin off (I think it was called Afternoon Delight?) before it fell apart in SSC.
Became raid leader and main tank in Seven Sins. Was in others including Salvia Calequendi (spelling?), Lost Crew briefly, used to play alt runs with Horizons.
Will probably give classic a dabble, no idea where or for how long. Always felt like an experience I never got to fully enjoy, so curious to know how it will go.
Nightwalker UD rogue
I played with you Keffie in Saga and I remember our first Nefarian kill.
I remember also you Rane playing a bit in AQ40 and Nax but wasnt it with Affliction? Cant really remember but your name rings a bell and something very specific that you told me back then. 
Also in vanilla I was:
and others that I cant remember the names.
I was in Lost Crew in TBC if that helps someone to remember me.
Hello Keffie, you Orc in disguise! 
Kameltass, I was asking Antarax about you just yesterday!
Hah, yea Affliction was the original name of the guild, way back on Bladefist 
Hello everyone!
I was Inez Undead Male Rogue
Leveled up in Eternal Legion.
I was a Raider in Descent of Dorians,
Salvation and another guild…?
Deus ex machina? not sure. 
Some players i remember are:
Wos - Shaman,
Emperorphobs - Orc Rogue,
Grizoulis - Tauren Warrior,
(Shahrokh?) a crazy Druid-tank-leader guy?!, 
Ediroth - Shaman,
Aiantas - Tauren warrior,
Stoneman - Undead Priest,
Bilibos - Undead Rogue,
Thralljunior - Orc Warrior,
Odysseas - Tauren Hunter.
From what i remember we had reached the 4-horseman in Naxx but never passed them…
My Battletag is “Gondric#21816” would be more than happy to reunite with some people from back then!! 
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Ey, in a good way, or a bad way? 
Ofc in a good way! Dude, Sluskas didnt remember me and now you dont remember me neither??? feels heartbroken…haha.
I wonder if someone remembers me. I dont recall any names…
I do remembers a troll Rogue sitting every Day on top of the orgrimmar in semi/full bloodfang gear!
Hello everyone.
I was a tauren warrior named Mordrador and played in eternal legion, happy tree butchers and triforce. I remember Horizon also.
@Heimskringla i remember some of the names you’ve said. I do not remember you, but i remember wos( i think was the gm of triforce?) and the greek guys emperophobs, grizoulis, aiantas.
my battle net is Dulmor#21560
I’ve cleared the game content on twillights hammer server. i cant wait to play vanila again