George Soros invests in Activision

Nothing will change because he invested too low amount of money~ unless he plan to invest more in the future.

I would totally buy actions now and sell them at release of Shadowlands for free $$$ :joy:

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You could say that for literally any thread on this forum.

Shall I go into some random thread about pet battles and say that I don’t care about them, no matter what the discussion is really about?

No, of course I shouldn’t.

At least have the decency to know the basics about the thread you’re commenting on.

He’s against what he defines as hatespeech. He’s an extreme leftwinger, and therein lies the problem.

I think other people have already expressed this much better than I can, so I’m just gonna toss around some likes and GTFO.


Nobody who makes a billion dollars by doing no work and creating nothing of value can be trusted.



I’m not saying anything bad about this man. I don’t know him and have no desire to get to know him.
I just read the thread to see if there was something interesting said about what this would entail for WoW. There wasn’t. :man_shrugging:


George Soros, famous American billionaire who is a favourtite bogey man of the Right in the US especially alt right fake news websites.

National File.

One of those websites.

I suggest you treat this non story not so much with a pinch, but with a full container ship full of salt.

I mean seriously, if you’re going to try and drag Activision into your puerile conspiracy theorys about how they are destroying your beloved WoW at least find a credible one that I won’t shoot to pieces with a 5 second fact check.

And to further complicate things for the easily swayed who will no doubt scream “LEFTY SOCIALIST!!”, I am of the left leaning, vaxxing, likes to checks facts and would vote for Bernie Sanders who also happens to believe in stricter gun controls yet owns 3 of them.

Again. treat this drivel for what it is. Drivel.


Omg a business man invests into a company.

The world is coming to an end!


But my country knows him well. He is not … nice person if any of it is to believed. He is not fighting against ‘actual hate speech’ he has his agenda, and his agendas are extreme. For me he is no better than those at south with their religious extremes. Just Soros is not using bombs, he uses money.


There are several sources, I just included the first one from Google.
If you think he is “just a boogeyman” Google Black Wednesday.

He directly caused it, yes.

That source is literally used on my job within the financial sector for lookup and education. I can absolutely vouch for its accuracy.


OK I’ll indulge you all.

Just what exactly do you think is going to happen?

That is why I made the topic, I wanted to know the same thing. He invested 45M $, Gypsy said that is around 0,5% of the stocks, so most likely nothing.

By time I end this post, my coffee mug has run empty…

Oh you mean Blizzard. Be right back with my crystal ball.

… it said nothing. Most likely.

The Dow lost over 2000 points in a few days. Stocks are dirt cheap compared to last week. No wonder people like him are buying up some cheap stocks for easy money. With 45m he has no significant control. Hes probably just diversifying his investments to make a big chunk of profit when things normalise.

So. Like i said.

A non story yet I’m being attacked for saying it was a non story.

How very… oh i’ll just refer you to my previous post about boogey men etc etc, you get the point.


That wasn’t why your post got attacked. (Did it even?)

Idk, not gonna debate politics here. But you did, and that’s why.

I agree that probably nothing is going to happen until he buys way, way more.


Did you even read those articles?

“The billionaire known for his investment in left-leaning political parties and companies, and his alleged involvements in illegal activist activities has turned his eyes to video games. Is Soros planning on doing something sinister to Activision-Blizzard with his investment? Gonna be honest here, I’m saying no.”

Your own sources say there’s nothing to be concerned about.


My sources didn’t specify anything. I wanted to know how many % of the stocks he owns now, as that is the real indicator of things. I’ve got an answer to that question and it reassured me that he will have no impact on the games as of now.

Soros will ruin as all, unsub today, delete your accounts!

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Then why link those articles in the first place? You provided some links that supposedly “prove” that Soros isn’t just a “boogeyman” used by the right wing lunatics to scare people, yet those very articles say the exact opposite.

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I provided several link because I was accused that my first source is some right-wing site that is spewing lies 24/7 and that the original story is fake.