George Soros invests in Activision

Wonder how many % does he own now with that 45 Million.
Will this potentially change any Blizzard game?

Less than 0.5% I guess according to google.

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That is reassuring. Just to satisfy my curiosity, how did you find that info?

Googled ‘Activision value’.

What was your concern anyway?

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This is basically Mr. Progressive or, as some would call it, Mr. SJW.

With enough stock he can have significant political input which may change the character of Blizzard’s worlds.


Who? :confused:

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That if he gained any control over the company he will push even more microtransactions to the game.

One of the richest men in the world. An investment manager.

Never heard of him.

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Well ok. Google him then.

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Nehhh. Can’t say I care enough.

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Yeah that certainly sounds realistic.

Then why are you in a thread about him?

I read up a little about him, this really does not sound like his way of working…

Keep him OUT of my games.


Im in a thread about WoW. :upside_down_face:


Before this post i didn’t know him, i’ve checked in few research what he have done and it seem he is fighting against the hate speech and only invest where he’s ideas match with other company.

That mean we will see less toxic player in the game ?

What mean investement in a company like blizzard, what change exactly ?

That man doesn’t care about anything, but money. He single-handedly ruined currencies and economies for profit.

Do you think he invested in an almost PC company because he liked their mindset?


I quite do not like this guy. He sees hate speech even where only wind flies (in other words he is extremist). I hope he only invests his money and not his ideas.