Get an Early Look at Hero Talents for Druid, Hunter, Mage, and Priest

Keeper of the grove still looks like complete garbage. When I’m thinking of keeper of the grove I’m thinking of warcraft 3 Cenarius laying waste to the orc camp. What I don’t think about is spawning 3 treants every 1 minute that deal 20% more damage and moonfire occasionally. What a waste.

Yeah they’re just overcomplicating frost. Frostfire Bolt is a bloody meme the way they’re going about it.


The Oracle is horrendous for Holy Priest. I’d rather not have Hero talents than this.


It’s funny, even before you said it when I looked at the mage hero stuff it reminded me a bit of your (very inspired I might add) design.

I mean it was literally a meme on retail’s class design so this isn’t too surprising :smiley:

Thanks for the complement but I’d rather it all wasn’t so :frowning:

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I’m not a fan either. Hpriest is the one class I always level as the first or second, and this just doesn’t seem… right or fitting? I don’t know, it did not make me look forward to leveling or playing hpriest.

It looks like they want to add support options this way to perhaps balance aug better, which is interesting. I hope Archon will be different, and encapsulate better what I love about hpriest, instead of tacking on strange gameplay that seems to have little to do with either the spec, its flavour or its natural gameplay.

I think my favourite one so far is casting Ice Lance applies a Living Bomb and when the Living Bomb explodes it will Ice Nova.

3 spells for the price of 1!

As a Priest: Oracle looks like a fun concept that manages to split the difference between strong thematic flavor and low mechanical impact. No notes.

As a non-Hunter: I think Dark Ranger is a poor fit for Hunters. Dark Rangers have historically had a very strong thematic flavor, with their own background, aesthetic and power set that is fairly distinct from the Hunter one. I feel like trying to fit the Dark Ranger kit into a Hero Talent tree is doing both Hunters and Dark Rangers a disfavor. Mechanically, it looks watered down and fails to capture the unique mechanics of Dark Rangers. Aesthetically, something that should be able to carry an entire new class is being squeezed into a single ability. There’s also the issue that Dark Ranger works with all three Hunter specs, and that restricting it to BM and MM feels arbitrary.

I hope the long-term plan is to bring Dark Rangers to the game as a Hero Class. I think both they and Wardens would make for neat additions to the game.

Yep… I guess with this you can just throw anything you feel like at it. Something will proc, or explode, or light up the room, doesn’t matter! :wink:

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Brah this is frostfire build. The first thing it’ll do is freeze the server with RNG rolls and extra buffs and when it finally catches up the data center will catch on fire.

Mages be behind the climate changes. It all finally makes sense.

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Frostfire build is why they had to stop calling it global warming. Nobody knows what the hell is going on but the temperature’s definitely doing something.

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better unban ppl for chat abusive u friendly baby company

For priest:

Abandon the “support” aspect all together please !

And while your at it delete Aug as well.


I’m almost sure that oracle is “support” option and there’ll be dedicated full on healer hero spec.
It’d be weird if it doesn’t

Personally I actually kinda like oracle, I think it goes down the path of adding more supports/support-likes, and I fully support that. One question is: why is it being given to a healer, cause like this, your simply giving more to a certain class, unless their are more healer/supps, then you will run into the same problem where the supports will be favoured over the non-supports.

I said it once and I’ll say it again, you need multiple of a same role to be half-supports i guess, cause otherwise they simply end up having more and that’s not fun or fair for anyone

Yeah that’s my thinking too, I’m not despairing yet :smile: As it’s shared with shadow, I hope it’ll just sort of simply buff the existing kit. Not exciting but straightforward at least! Lol.

I am curious about potential other support trees. The hpriest/disc one seems finnicky for now, and I think I agree with the take that if anyone should get support tacked on, it’d probably make more sense to pick more dps leaning specs.

The problem isn’t having a supportive tree.

The problem is having a tree focusing on the worst aspects of support in WoW - buffs we cannot control or track our performance with (did I use PI well? Who knows?), buffs that require spreadsheet optimisation to perform well in raid, and buffs with massive RNG swings (15x times the power on a random proc on a 1min cd ability).

And on top of that it provides basically zero healing, which compared to the amount of power resto gets from keeper of the grove is a joke.

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Dark ranger BM hunter gives nethanos vibes and I’m all for it.

Sylvananas is actually pretty funny if you speak a language that calls pineapples some variation of “ananas”. :slight_smile: