Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within

Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within

Hero Talents are a new evergreen form of character progression that will be introduced with the release of The War Within expansion. We take a closer look at the philosophies around Hero Talents and the Mountain Thane, Lightsmith, San’layn, and Chronowarden Hero Talents.

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It’s nice. I like it.

But why do you guys always post the same threads twice?


i know that even you guys moved on from this expansion and can’t wait for TWW :dracthyr_hehe_animated:.
whole thing looks like a foundation of something bigger but the ‘‘you need to choose some talents to use some hero talents’’ part may hurt the variety i hope the team is considering that part very carefully . if we’re gonna end up with 2 good builds for each spec then these kinde will be just new talents /spells. i hope when all this is over we’ll have specs with multipe working & balanced builds


Hohoho, multitarget stormbolt uwu

Isn’t this going back down the ‘too many systems to balance’ route again? Why not just make it purely cosmetic & defensive, remove the throughput element from it.


Lightsmith looks boring. I am not sure what I was expecting, though.
Mountain Thane sounds interesting, I do like lightning. Not sure how Fury is going to work with a Shield though or is that redundant when you don’t use a shield? I didn’t read it all, too much text.

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We need gladiator stance back! perfect time for some proper flavor in the game

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UNfriendly reminder that Feral talent tree right now as it is live is still in its Beta version.

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What is the point, pvp players will cry like little girls and everything will be nerfed?


Now i know that it’s still early days, but at least the mountain thane one assumes a particular talent choice (Not taking “Annihilator”, due to all the references to “Raging blow”), is that intentional?

And the heavy reliance on “Thunderclap” (A talent no fury warrior ever takes ATM) is also bugging me, i don’t like the attack, i hate being pretty much forced into it on Arms, why force it onto Fury as well?

Having my tier bonus dictate talent choices to me is already limiting, but if hero talents do the same, why even bother having talent choice at all?


the downside with systems like this is we don´t even read what they do, we copy whatever the best talent’s to have in that patch until nerf hits.


How nice it is that if you want to create a character fully focused on lightning, you have to play a warrior who has more lightning spells than the shaman themselves…

I hope that the Shaman Stormbringer specialization doesn’t prevent me from using Lava Blast, Flame Shock, and Earthquake.


more automated gameplay, what a joy

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Looks alot like glyphs

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thats on the players not the system. theres always going to be a bis


I’d argue it’s up to developers to make sure they are all balanced.

yes but its never going to be 100% equal


Ah yes, I agree if people feel they NEED to spec into that 0.5 % DMG increase build they don’t actually like, that’s on them.


looks like extremely boring crap fiesta
nothing looks exiting

things will mostly be so imbalanced that you can only chose 1 tree anyways while the other will be doa


There are feedback threads in the class forums (made by blues) if people are interested in giving feedback on a specific tree.