Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

I point you to the moon and you keep looking at my finger.

I know a physical card is different from a game. We all know it; even my five years old nephew is capable of understanding something so simple. That is not my point, no matter how much you insist on looking at my finger. We are all aware that game discs are usually in a circle form and cards in a rectangle form. I applaud your ability to differentiate shapes, but I believe everyone here is capable of doing it.

What I am comparing is not what games or cards are. I am comparing how cards and games and acquire currently on sites like eBay. In unauthorized sales by third parties without anyone, buyers and sellers, paying a single penny to Blizzard for their product.

That is the reason why Blizzard won’t care about TGC owners. They have contributed to a business that harms Blizzard, so it is understandable for Blizzard to make moves against them, like putting those TGC items in their shops, because that would essentially destroy that second-hand market.

You are capable to understand something so simple as the form of a game and the form of a card is different. Are you able to understand concepts more complex, like the difference between buying a Blizzard product directly from them versus buying that product on unauthorized third-party sales? Are you capable to understand that no matter the physical form they have, Blizzard hates the same people who buy and sell circle games and people who buy and sell rectangle cards?

I didn’t buy anything this month again but there looks like a couple of things in July that I might get.
A crystal scorpion mount sounds cool.
The shield might go well with the Paladin gold armour.
Need a better look at the leather set before deciding.

The dragonriding mount I don’t particularly care about.

I’m not a fan of the idea that they will add extra tenders for doing extra curricular activities, it’s sets a bad precedent. It’s only a couple of hundred extra Tenders for now but still.

In what way? It takes a couple of days max to earn the extra 500 at the moment so if they add extra tender to earn over the month as a way to prolong engagement with the travellers log and trading post, how is that a bad thing?

There is a blue post on the community council forum saying they have been monitoring usage of the trading post, when people earn the tender and spend the tender etc so that they can make changes to better utilise it for the players benefit and this feels like one of the ways in which they improving the system to 1) give us more tender each month and 2) give us more reason to use it beyond the first few days of the month.

I have 2 concerns.

  1. Will they add non-standard methods for earning these Extra Tender, such as Twitch watching, purchase on Store, Buying Diablo or Overwatch or any other Activision product.
  2. It adds an element of FOMO. What if I can’t play that month with the Extra Tender due to a work assignment. Currently I know that every month is the same loss. It doesn’t matter if I schedule my 3 week honeymoon in August or September, I will miss the same either way.

Neither are exactly huge panic moments, just slight concerns about the direction of travel with this feature.

yeah, Im kinda sad about that. The 50 raid bosses was a good excuse to take an alt on a transmog run of old raids!


Don’t be sad. You still will be able to do it. Those activities are not gone. They just don’t announce them because those usual activities are available every month. The same has happened with those activities in the past months. Search June Trading Post announcement, and you will she that defeated 50 raid bosses wasn’t announced, yet the activity was there.


It’s true.

UPDATE: Looking at the actual list now, it seems to be 25 bosses. :smiley:

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Is that gone?

Eek, if they remove the simple ones like this then I’ll start to struggle.
I get the Pet Battle ones. The earn a load of rep one, the 30 quests one and the 25 old raid bosses (I’m still doing Dragon Soul a couple of times a week).
I’ll have to take a look and see what is in there that I can do. If I’m forced into PVP then there will be some upset pvpers out there as I destroy them (by being in their team).

None of it has been removed its still the same as before.


Also, in February, we only needed to earn 1000 points in the Traveler’s log. Now it is 1400 points.

Is it just me or the total tender value of this months stuff is much larger than the ones in previous months?

I wonder if that has something to do with the paid tender that is allegedly coming in 10.1.5

You also get 700 tenders instead of 500 for completing it.

My issue is that Grotto Netherwing Drake lacks the “purplish” trail behind it while flying/moving. Breaks immersion from the OG ones.

Yes, you are right.

Total in February: 4125
Total in July: 6200

Feel free to double-check my numbers:

I like netherdrake but i would prefer more color variants for example i really like the green one from TBC and it’s shame i can’t have that color on this dragonriding mount

I’ve had a look and the 25 raid bosses one is still there. There’s actually more Pet Battle ones this time, although strangely the longest one (do all the dungeons) is the least rewarding (only 100).

But earning 1400 will be trickier but should still be doable. I’ve not bothered with World Bosses for a while but that’s an easy win, should be a few others like this.

It looks like it but when i finished it this morning i didn’t get any extra maybe it’s a bug or something but when i opened the chest i did get 700 :smiley:

I meant the total tender cost of all the available items

Ended up not actually buying anything this month. Maybe I’ll get the spectral kitten :thinking:

I don’t think the quality of the items is bad, there just isn’t anything I really want apart from the netherdrake.

The cloaks are not half bad though

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Yes, the cloaks are nice and I tend to get them most months. I’m not a huge plan of purple though and feel they’re too similar to the pink ones too. But that’s me, I can perfectly understand people who like this month’s selection.