Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

I don’t think the ToS is what matter here. I think is the same as piracy in the same that is probably a copyright infringement, just like selling a pirated version of a game is a copyright infringement because, in both cases, the seller is obtaining money for a copyrighted product he never legally owned, but I this has never been tested in a court. So, account buyers and sellers are not just breaking Blizzard’s TOS, they are breaking the law.

I didn’t bother with the hooded version this month and the upcoming purple is too similar to the pink for me. But I still like them overall and will probably get some of the other inevitable colours.

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It’s not a copyrighted product. It’s attempted transference of ownership and the two aren’t the same as far as I’m aware
Without doing a deepdive into the ToS it’s anyone’s guess

That is debatable. Without testing it in court is hard to claim it is or is not copyrighted.

Attempted transference of ownership of something the seller never owned in the first place. That sounds illegal to me.

The ToS is not actually the important thing here. Blizzard can’t do anything in the ToS that would be against the law. So, you shouldn’t ask if the ToS allows people to sell accounts, you should ask if the law gives people the right to sell accounts.

The ToS will be simple: it will contain what the law allows Blizzard to do.

Blizzard doesn’t want us to buy and sell accounts, and the law doesn’t give us the right to buy and sell accounts → They will include that action as forbidden in the ToS.

Blizzard doesn’t want us to buy and sell TGC mounts, but the law gives us the right to buy and sell used physical cards with mount codes → They have no right to include that action as forbidden in the ToS.

But then the new owner (buyer*) technically from the same policy | logic whatever you want to call it , also doesn’t own it

I’ve studied law myself to somewhat a basic level , and there is a family member with 40 years of experience

Thanks for attempting to assist me in the point I was trying to make
This conversation however, need not continue

Thank you for your input and assistance


I suppose you mean the buyer. Of course, if the sale is illegal because the buyer doesn’t own the product, the buyer has also broken the law by participating in it.
Both buying and selling a stolen product are illegal.

I agree, we have derailed the conversation too much already. At this point, this is too much off-topic.

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More meh stuff again

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If the devs keeps listening to what the players want/need, then i’m certain it will continue to prosper. Unless they go the F2P route and can add egregious MTX player power like 90% of F2P games out there. Or at least go all in on MTX. The whales will love it though.

Except, an account is created directly on Blizzards ToS. A game is made and distributed by Blizzard on their ToS.

A TCG mount is not created and distributed by Blizzard. A card company bought a license to create the TCG cards. It’s a business deal. Especially with how huge card games were back then.
The cards are also physical. Keyword: Physical

And obviously, getting a card like one of the rares is RNG.

So its really stupid to compare an account or a game to a mount aka an asset IN a game, unlocked through outside means with RNG.

There are literally dozens of cool transmog sets they could add. But no, bet that if those are ever, added, will be on the shop.

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There is also a staggering amount of sets with missing pieces
Would love to see this gap filled too
Let us hope together

In this case is used as currency so it’s not as the same as the adjective, so the plural is tenders or tendies. You don’t say 10 dollar, but 10 dollars.

Don’t be stupid

The plural of yen is yen
The plural of lira is lira
The plural of baht is baht

And that’s just off the top of my head

You don’t just stick an S on something to make it plural.

What if you order some chicken tenders from a restaurant? Do you ask for 10 chicken tender or 10 chicken tenders?

Now I’m hungry and want chicken tenders…

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Euro / euros
Cent / cents
Pound / pounds
Franc / Francs
Centime / Centimes
Rupee / rupees
Dinar / dinars
Dihram / dihrams
Ruble / rubles
Peso / pesos

Yes, you can.

felstaff is mine!.

What I find interesting is that the usual “easy” activities are gone.

  • 30 quests
  • 15 world quests
  • 5 Mythic+ dungeons
  • 7500 Honor

The things you got by normal gameplay. Not in the Trading post anymore. I guess it was too easy, gotta make the store tenders more desirable.


Fairly sure not everything appears on that list :dracthyr_shrug: a couple of times it hasn’t been accurate to what has been available in game in order to earn tender on the 1st when it goes live.

Don’t let that stop you having a moan though :innocent:

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Some but not all.

Given you misunderstood what I said I guess English isn’t your first language?