So, here I was, chilling in Elysian Hold, being all Dark Iron Dwarfy, minding my own business. Objectifying the cute training dummies. Considering whether I would go grab an ale with my best friend’s wife’s beard… when all of a sudden a disturbing pointy earred shadow looms over my shoulder, blotting out all that is good in the world.
“Get out of my way gnome” says the shadow from behind me. I turn and look up into the depraved eyes of a night elf!
Thinking I’m standing on a gnome without realising it, they’re small enough to cover completely, even as a DID, I ran around in a circle. But nothing was revealed.
I looked carefully around for any faint gnomy tracks. Or their droppings. Nothing!
Then I realised this night elf was talking to me!
Do we all look the same to you? Please help me stamp out this kind of thing. Nobody needs to put up with this. I need new pants too, if anyone can help…