Get rid of Group Loot!

Last week we kicked insant player from the raid and it was semi guild run who I joined! He won item and he was trying to sell for gold. Actually he didnt need that item, just for selling if he won any item so did he. Group loot is the problem so please get rid of it and bring back PL! It is time to change and I find it hard to believe if you want to keep group loot system, devs!

Thank you!

Edit: Mistake on my part, sorry!

PL would not prevent selling, though the rolls are hidden behind the screen with random winners selected as if everyone pressed need. A winner in PL could still sell the item if they so wish (and if they had no upgrade in that slot).

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I dont know what you are talking about! I never named on this forum!

You cant roll item so it is fine! But, group loot cant stay here!

Could be my mistake, did you meant “instant” after the bit behind player?

I didnt notice until now! I meant we kicked insant him from the raid! :rofl:

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Just to be clear, this issue is not because of group loot, but because of 2 things happening:

  1. Items can be traded cross server
  2. Gold can be traded cross server

Back in the day it was not relevant because people could not trade gold cross server easily. You can remove group loot, but even with personal loot, you will have players joining groups and selling the items they got. The only difference is that you will not see the “roll” the game made in the background.

I am fine with the option of having both group loot and personal loot with their restrictions, but it won’t change how selling items work without removing gold transfers.


i dont think we need to remove grp loot but i do think i needs fixed. i dont think it should be possible for healers to main spec need roll on mad queens mandate for example

certain items should only be ms need rolled on by specific roles in the game. and as was said above you cant stop the sale of items.