Get rid of Outland, Northrend and Draenor, squish levels to 60

When they added level scaling to the world they should have made it so that everything scaled from 1 to max like ESO does it.

Gives players full freedom of where they want to level.

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I’d like that too. But I do have a feeling that it will happen, if they level squish us to 60. Guess we will have to wait for Blizzcon to find out.
But otherwise yes, I’d like this as well.

yesss. i was watching that while posting the old one. i love it!

How about getting rid of your subscription? Don’t touch my Draenor.

Quite opposite they need to stop removing things and preferable return some things from that era (for example talent trees, better professions system and so on).


I’d rather have them keep it.
Scaling all current expansions to 1-60 (or 5-60) with the arrival of 9.x would be perfectly fine with me.
Dungeons are a mild issue.

Outland is my favourite place to level. I know that may sound weird but the music in HFP is totally awsome. Infact most of the music/ambience in that xpac is mindblowing. Quel danas and that sunfury raid has the best music in game.
I reckon that they should be kept for people who enjoy them.

Make it optional… Don’t remove it…

Just make sure you can level to max without setting foot in those areas, then let them stay there for those who want to farm mogs or mounts…

I am death knight, I like Northrend. I … I … die without northrend.

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