Get rid of Outland, Northrend and Draenor, squish levels to 60

people will be able to experience Outland and Northrend on the coming classic BC and classic WOTLK servers, so there is no need to have them in the retail game anymore, and Draenor is worthless

do these and squish levels to 60 and revamp azeroth and you will have your 12M subscribers back, believe me.

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Erm how about no .


I didn’t set foot in Outland on my last alts. Its existence is neutral to me. You may chose to do the same. Eliminating content serves no purpose

Hilarious. Pray share with us your deep understanding and proven track record in forecasting in the videogames market.


Nah mate i still need mogs and mounts from there.



You can’t get anywhere in Classic and so if you levelled to 80 say you wouldn’t be able to transfer over. Also you missed Cata and Mysts so whats your plan, which of the expansions are you keeping and which not.

Interestingly if you take all that you said out of the equation then what you are left with is a character boost… which you can currently buy. So what really is the problem. Only takes a week to get to end game anyway casual. Why does it matter.

By the way if they are true to the original expansions then Classic can expect TBC in two years and then another two years past that to Lich and so on. Talk about taking your time levelling. Now that is bonkers.

Its raining again.

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But if they want to lvl squish then lvl squish away, but leave the old expansions alone.


No thanks, I like going back to old zones sometimes. They also are important for transmog and mounts, so… nope.


I can imagine that if a level squish happens, we will most likely be able to choose a world or two to level our character in, and it will be all scaled. Let’s say for example the max level will be 50, so you might be able to do 1-20 in classic, 20-40 in Pandaria and 40-50 in whatever next expansion will be. Or maybe even all in one zone, but I imagine it to be really difficult from a dev point of view to make non-classic starting zones.

I’d like that. Also I really hope the level squish is coming with a complete level-experience revamp.


How about NOOOOO!


That’s some high level bullsh*tery if i’ve ever seen one



Yea. I’m sure the subscribers were waiting for outland and northrend to be removed. Definitely the numbers will skyrocket when that happens.


NEVER!!! I cant level a char without watching again the wrathgate event. Even after 10 years it makes me cry.

neither forgotten nor forgiven


How bout no? Outland and Draenor are my favorite places to level in.

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This must be the worst idea I have seen here. Removing old zones completely? Lol


It wants to wipe out like 7 xpacks, it must be trolling :joy:

Sounds great, doesnt work.

I can imagine it will be like this

1-10 Classic
10-20 Outland / Northrend
20-30 Cataclysm / Pandaria
30-40 Draenor
40-50 Legion
50-60 BFA


1-10 Classic
10-15 Outland
15-20 Northrend
20-25 Cataclysm
25-30 Pandaria
30-40 Draenor
40-50 Legion
50-60 BFA

if squish will be in the next expansion we can assume that level 60 will be max in next exp, so there may be another level cap so BFA 50-55 and then 55-60 new exp.

I can also imagine that each level will need 3 x more experience as now, so level 2 1200xp from 400xp etc. I would also warmly welcome a change where you can choose spec from the start instead of level 10.

Level squish serves no purpose of the time it takes to reach max lvl is the same as now. What is needed is getting more stuff while leveling and more stuff after level 100, because right now character development as a class/spec ends at 100.

If they are to do a level squish it also must reduce the time needed to reach max lvl. And if it’s indeed 60 the talents also need to be reworked - at lvl 10 and then on every 10 levels (10, 20, 30, etc) you unlock a “major” row with 3 active abilities to chose from; at level 15 and then on every 10 levels (15, 25, 35, etc) you unlock a “minor” row with 3 passive talents to chose from. That way every 5 levels you will get a talent, either a passive or an active ability, and in the levels in between those you get your skills and skill upgrades. So in the end we will end up with:

  • getting something every level - this is a thing many players are complaining about in modern day WoW but praising it in Classic;
  • 6 active abilities just from talents;
  • 5 passives from talents;
  • 49 “slots” left for distributing baseline abilities, passives and skill upgrades.

Have you seen IKedits remastered version on Youtube :heart_eyes: Actually check out all his remastered cinematics :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: