Get the Band Together for Warbands

what about vanilla/rbg pvp title with rank ? :frowning:

warband system will share it with the enrire band or account wide?

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Came here to ask this exact question. I’d imagine PvP titles would be character locked, but verification would be nice. :slight_smile:

24th July it will go live with prepatch

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Im not aware of a way to turn it off. What do you dislike about the camp fire?

So I’ll book a day of sleeping that day then… Logging in after the million fixes have been put in by Blizzard so the process goes smoothly. LOL

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This final nail in the coffin of actual RPG is forced on everyone.

Characters are no longer individuals. Gone is that era.
Now they are just ‘shells’ to be picked from a long line of shells; all just there to serve at your whims like the empty husks they are. This is now an ACCOUNT. A heartless, soulless thing made up of statistics and numbers.

Enjoy your hivemind, soulless matchmaking game where you pick your champion that serves your needs at that particular time. Their identity no longer matters.

Goodbye RPG in MMORPG. It will be a sad day for WoW.

And that is how I really feel about this system.
The character selection screen is nice; I’ll give them that. But that’s the only thing I like about Warbands.

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WOW developers and writers continue to ruin the game.

The US get it they day before us with their reset. So they do a kind of soft test for us :wink:

The article mentions M+ dungeon portals:

Most of the rewards granted by achievements are Warband-wide. In many cases, the reward will span across the entire Warband, such as for most titles. In other cases, the whole achievement will be converted, and its reward will be account-wide. For example, dungeon teleports earned by Keystone Hero achievements will become account-wide, both in the achievement and the reward.

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I would not say I dislike it, just prefer the traditional selection screen. I think making the warband login screen with the fire optional is not too much work too :slight_smile:

In the end the effect on my enjoyment will be minimal I think


That’s fair enough, was just curious.

Unless something has changed I believe it’s the default for now.

Sounds very unappealing. Dunno if I will buy the expansion. Dragon Flight was poor and this sounds poorer. Think my WoW journey might be done


Can I have your gold? :eyes:

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I love it, No more reasons to lock yourself into one charachter. and you will finally be able to enjoy a more varied way of playing the game without having to repeat every step of the same journey.

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I am missing the function for the group of chars you create when everything is account wide? I don’t understand. :thinking:

I’m still impressed how blizzard is able to sell a QoL feature for alts lovers (which provides ZERO content) as a main feature of their 80$ expansion.


There isn’t such a thing. You can just select 4 favourites to go at the top of your list out of your entire character list, and those appear round your camp. It will be live with reset.

So it is just a characterselection screen fancy thing with a campfire? Obviously we already dragged our most played characters to the top of the characterselection screen.

To me it looked like this is the (war)band you select. But i couldnt find the function of this warband.

Warband is the name of the account wide system that is being implemented for TWW which will go live with prepatch on 24 July. You can see everything that warbands do here:-

The camp fire screen is just the four favourite warbanders you choose to stick up there. Your whole account is your warband. So that is just who you want to see sat together.


If we can’t sing Kumbaya around campfire, Warband screen will be useless.