Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

I hardly think it’s reasonable to only reward it to Night Elf players for using the Trading post for 12 months.

but but puny!!! aaaaa can you imagine a gnome loooking like this?

sure your blood elf will look hot in it they are hot no matter what they wear. what about them beefy humans?

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KT is going to be where it’s at!

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What is going on with the whining!!?!
Just dont wear the damn thing, Jesus!

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poor guy /hug

I mean i thought you quit retail for classic “shrug”

Nah, so heres the thing. i played classic and got to 25 with the runes i need. i completed the game. i also completed retail. right now im on ffxiv bwahahaha, a lalafel.

I mostly just chill on retail n help people farm rep n stuff.

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My word this is a surprise plot twist, glad this feedback has been taken onboard.

I would not put it beyond Blizzard to stage this entire thing just so that they will look good “for listening”

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Really doubt Blizz is capable of such a 4D chess move, i’m just taking the win.

A pity i wasnt here for months… it would be the perfect time to level a nelf… Its a very beautiful mog. :frowning:

This set alone might have kept more people subbed for a year than everything else

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You’ll get it eventually. Just need any 12 months of participation.

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