Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

Beginning in January, you can go from day to night in the blink of an eye with the new Burden of Unrelenting Justice transmog set by earning the monthly special reward from the Trading Post twelve times.

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looks good. i hope the people who have been complaining about this for days are happy now because it looked like they were really bummed about it


Not a big fan of things changing colour myself but it’s very novel to have tmog do this.


Only roleplayers complain about this… And of course why wouldn’t they? Who aren’t more into or fans of the Wardens than they are?

The complaints is that now whenever they rp over midnight, They change from a Warden to night warrior in character… witch is a huge no no in rp land. Everything has to make sense. And be plasuible, And your rp character isn’t the main character… So you have to explain this in a way that makes sense and is fit with the lore.


great more cosmetics , can u stop ignoring the pvp community now and actually talk to us?


Regular players who transmog are not RPers. You may not care, and that’s fine but I certainly wouldn’t use parts of the set because it would change colour every 12 hours and no longer match.

You can basically only wear it in it’s entirety. That’s fine but it’s far from an RP community issue.


Well i’ll be damned :eyes: I’m gonna be honest I didn’t expect pve players to care about this… Since this was announced it always seemed like a us Argent dawn problem for rp


Not really a fan of any transmog just changing its looks outside of player control in general, novel as that concept is. Like said before, it’s gonna be impossible to make outfits with, for one.
Putting it on an armor set that’s been generally highly coveted for its well-recognizable look feels even weirder to me. Power to you if you’re cool with that, I feel like we should at least get the option to make it stay one or the other color scheme, or just get them as separate sets.


I still think it’s a novel idea though. All the things we’ve had which are nelf themed from the trading post have kind of followed this trend. Like the mount.

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Devs who make cosmetics aren’t responsible for pvp


Once again Blizzard snatches defeat away from the jaws of victory!

They have provided us with a very cool warden set, then turned it to dogwater with a stupid gimmick that forces your character to change in a way you cannot control.

The art of Transmogging is to mix and match sets to make something fun and unique, can’t do that if your set changes depending on the time of day.

Just make it two separate sets, please!


The colour change gimmick is stupid.


Can’t you just add a static version of the armour so we can pick which version we want?

Or add a npc we can talk too so we can choose which version is active, for example we talk to one of the trading post npcs and select the following options for the armour

  1. Chameleon (Default this armour will change colour depending on the time of day)
  2. Dawn (Green, this armour appearance will remain as its classic warden colours)
  3. Dusk (Silver, this armour appearance will remain as its Elune silver touched version)

Players on Twitter have been telling you this ever since it was data mined, and you still continue to ignore the feedback they have given you. This could have been such an easy win for you if you just swallowed your pride and listened


a toggle be nice, on behalf rpers pretty please.


I honestly dont think any dev is


Looks really nice wish the tier armours were this detailed to be honest.

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on weapons and mounts its ok. complete set that change if its day or night is not ok.

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color changing? sounds pretty stupid to me


I agree, I really don’t like color changing stuff, that includes the warden cat mount and the fey dragon store mount (Enchanted Fey Dragon).


Never has been a gimmick been so universally hated. For a whole year before it even releases, every time this set has been brought up people have vocally voiced that they do not want color changing set. And Blizz just won’t budge on it and STILL releases this unusabel set.