Get Your Sparks of Fortunes — 14 March

Following realm restarts earlier, and with a hotfix that is now live—

Custodian Khubon, resident Catalyst Steward and Spark Extraordinaire of Dornogal, has recently come into a large influx of Fractured Sparks of Fortunes. He noticed that some adventurers have been more lucky than others and found an additional Fractured Spark of Fortunes. He would like to share the wealth!

Speak to Custodian Khubon in the Forgegrounds of Dornogal to claim yours.


Is it intended that the Quest removes the half of Spark you have in your Inventory? Happened to me and Guild mates.

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Great, the quest unlocks only after you complete the initial A Sparkling Fortune quest for the 2 halfsparks.
Now, I recieved my 2 halfsparks from WQ last week and this week, made them into a big Spark. Now I can’t turn in the quest A Sparlking Fortune because I don’t have a way to get a halfspark so I can’t unlock this new quest to get on track.


Soooo, exploiters are STILL at least half a spark ahead and most of us have already spent our gilded crests making a 2nd spark kinda pointless this week?

Well isn’t that magical. Textbook Blizzard communicating sweet blow-all to their playerbase beforehand while attempting to half-fix a problem they created.

Reminder, we pay monthly for this kind of service delivery.


Can we please either make sure this does not happen in the next season, or just make first two spark be given week 1 and then nothing later ? I really hate how i’m 60 crests behind because i didn’t craft 2h instead of mh + oh, because i didn’t foresee you making this be possible and then instead of reverting the gain for abusers, made this.

Can’t even try and get my craft undone via CS since that never worked

Please look into the black lotus situation on anniversary servers. its already out of hand. 300-400g for a flask. the slight increase in spawnrate did not affect anything


Your colleagues are a bunch of juniors who have no idea what are they doing.


I still haven’t got my fractured spark drop this week, done everything. So can’t get a second spark none the less…

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see ?
in another topic i told you that nothing bad will happen.

Thanks blizzard…I already crafted 2h weapon the moment i saw that quest i did it :smiley:
finally some luck for us losers

I still dont get the math on this.

I handed in the quest to get my first big spark (the one you join 2 little ones) yesterday.

So I should have a quest available now that gives me a 2nd big spark? Is that how you did it?

To me, this feels like Blizzard are ‘allowing’ exploiters to get away with their actions, and enabling them to essentially ‘stick two fingers up’.

Imo, ‘honesty’ should be rewarded, not ‘exploitation’. So, give this second spark to the majority, remove from the minority - as a minimum punishment, at the very least.

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I crafted a 675 1h weapon. This was before I finished the quest ‘A Sparkling Fortune’. So I had 2 total. A new spark was meant to be given out this week as per your hotfix and latest release.

However, this quest is locked behind ‘A Sparkling Fortune’. So now I have no way to get the free spark to complete the quest for the 4 total sparks that should be available to all characters.

This isn’t a fix. Why lock it behind the ‘A Sparkling Fortune’ quest it makes no sense.


This is actually bad news and brings a lot of players into a bad position that calculated with the spark only being available next week and needed to get a DPS increase before that week. With that knowledge I think people would not have crafted before that, especially for the 2 Hand Users.

To resolve this, please move away from the half spark cadence and provide a full spark every week. If that’s against your plans, please consider an option to regain the spark by destroying the already crafted item.

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But their all mighty streamers would get punished. They can’t let that happen.

The fact I gave spend my crests ect knowing I needed them next week they don’t give a dime about. I got the spark but still am a week behind due to this…

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I still have only 1 big spark and 0 small and no quest … thanks blizz for fixing nothing ?

Not completing a quest in week one and then bad programming having weird consequences isn’t exploiting.

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To me calling this “exploiting” feels dishonest.

It’s something that can very easily happen accidentally, especially on alts.

Sure, a bunch of people did this knowingly, but I’d wager that there’s also a large number that didn’t do it knowingly. And punishing those people is the worst thing you can do.

You’re just being very close minded and dishonest, both with yourself and with everyone who’s read your comment.

Imo “honesty” should be rewarded and therefor anybody who doesn’t claim every person, who ended up having an extra half of a spark, exploited, should get the extra spark and everybody who claims that all of them did should receive none.

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Even wowhead called it an exploit. The people who did this with intend should get punished somehow. SlStreamers like Jay were actually even promoting this exploit and how to do it on their stream…

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Khm, frog farmers khm.