Getting 6 useless 2handers when farming gear

Here I am farming mists on +7 to get my helm and neck and in the 25+ runs I’ve done I only managed to get the helm, the 2h axe a total of 6 times, some other random bits and bops and I literally just got the neck but the warbound version of it so its not even 610 ilvl with hero path. Seriously just remove 2h from the frost loot table people that want to play 2h can just loot spec into unholy

I agree with the issue, but they need to add an 1h or 2h option as a subset of spec loot choice, or revamp the loot choice altogether. Depending on talent tuning, 2h frost could be viable.

For loot rework, for example you could preselect 1-2 loot per boss to “roll on”, and then at the end of m+ it chooses from the pool of everyone’s choices (or after each boss in non-m+). If you didn’t pre-select gear then it default to how it works now.

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