Getting banned for exploiting

It was an obvious bug, and anyone who claims otherwise is a fool.


No, they got caught splitting stacks of potions, and then using them in a way that had never ever been designed before. Therefore they exploited the item.

If the boost had occurred whilst the items were stacked, then there could be a cause for concern, but for the players to actually split the items to get the boost, then that is an exploit…
Ignorance is not an excuse.


All of you are guessing, and expect everyone else to also guess that way. This is not PTR and for bug testing, but people must have doubts about every single interesting game mechanic.

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Think about it, is there any other potion/flask in the game that gives you a DOUBLE BUFF if you split stack? No, there isn’t.

That’s how obvious it is.


Yes i expect if someone can turn on a computer they can work out that this was an exploit.
It hardly takes a genius to work it out…

It would kinda be like walking out of the shop without paying, thinking they were nice and gave you your shopping for free that day.

Many potions could also give multiple buffs if you were to split the stacks.

But they don’t, and never have.

Except that people paid for it?

And they used it, knowing it was an exploit.

Don’t try to defend the exploiters, they fully knew this was not intentional.

Sorry, I shall change it then.
They left a chicken behind as payment.
Because they expected the store to take chickens instead of money.

Does that make it make more sense to you?
Its still very very very stupid.

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If someone would buy 415 ilvl gear for thousands of gold due to bug wouldn’t it be exploiting because he paid for it? this is stupid thinking, everyone who is abusing any system/exploiting/using bugs should be banned. Don’t even try to justify people who used this to speedlevel.


I mean… that was kinda valid back a few hundred years ago. :smile:

They used what Blizzard gave them. This is a game, people are supposed to have fun, not to be police inspectors.

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Yes WoW players are for the most part sheep.

I have a question.

Do you honestly believe anyone with more than a peanut for a brain would believe this exploit was a legit mechanic?
Or are you just raging against Blizzard for your own personal grudges? (such as you don’t like current levelling)

Yes, and they did something that was an obvious exploit. You didn’t ‘‘accidentally’’ split stacks and used it for more experience, it was clear as day that this was not an intentional thing.


Everyone can pay service medals to get those potions. Some people chose to use all of them at once instead of one by one.

Think of it this way, person A and B pay 10 SM to get 2 potions. Person A uses both of them at once and gets 20% exp gained for one hour, while Person B uses them one by one and gets 10% exp gained for 2 hours. How is this unfair to you?

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It’s just that…
We are the cash cow
Activision Blizzard are the Goblin Company that appeases the investor.

So, the ban…

There was an exploit in ffxiv regarding blu mage fast lvl and SE didn’t ban but just Hot fixed it… So, this shows that they respect their playerbase, community and the investors together by not being a goblin.

Btw, we need a goblin slayer to execute those goblins for good…

You do realise the only way to make the buff stack was to purposefully take them out of the stack in your bags that the game makes automatically and put them in to individual slots in your bag?

So there is no way it was an accident by anyone.


Do they have it in their ToS that using bugs/exploits is bannable?