Getting Deserter for getting kicked from group seems wrong

So i’m wondering about how big is the likelihood of getting someone banned for kicking you from a TW dungeon…

So i was tanking TW dungeons to lvl up on my DH.

Tanking was good, dungeons was fast and good.

Then i was doing this Random timewalking dungeon (The Shattered Halls) and ended up in this group with 4 ppl from Draenor…

Dungeon was smooth and fine, and then after we cleared last 2 mobs before last boss, one of the 4 ppl left and i was kicked and got 30min deserter debuff.

What sort of ppl are playing on Draenor? Are they all scumbags like this??

Only reason i see to do this is to invite friends (customers?) to boost there lvling from the xp bonus at end (not sure how this would work since i think u get this extra xp boost from joining random groups), that or they where just dk’s…

These ppl should have been a wet stain on some bed and not World of Warcraft players.

But why do i get Deserter when i get kicked for a more or less cleared dungeon with no afk’ing or anything, feel blizz should set up some algorithm or something to decide who gets deserter, and who doesn’t…

That said, the 30min deserter gave me time to write this.

I find such behaviour to be pretty rare, and would rather be in the situation to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

You can thank the people that abused the system afk’ing waiting to be kicked prior where they didn’t get the deserter debuff [you got it if you left yourself].

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Yeah, as Beerwolf said, the system is like this due to people who would abuse the system. So for the actions of a few, the majority has to suffer.