Getting Harrassed by "Communities"

Last couple of weeks when i get time to do Battlegrounds or Epic Battlegrounds, i have been getting more and more harrassed by “communties” inside WoW. I ignore and report the characters that does so, but yet they keep coming with new toons. And frankly i don’t even know if my reports are doing anything at this point.

The communties themselves are the notorious premade communities for Epic Battleground Premades. (To read more, check the PvP forums that has been filled for atleast 5 years to make these stop, but no post have (What we know of) been heard by GMs or Devs)
They are known to mass report, mass insult and straight up bully people that is against their “communties”.

  • To clarify what a Epic Battleground Premade is: A leader uses ingame and outgame sources to queue-synch a huge amount of players into one Epic BG, giving them an advantage that has shown to give a 97% Winrate.

They randomly recognize my name, and either openly or privately mentions me in negative manner. Even if iam silent.
People iam playing with that has no clue even whispers me “Why are they hating you?”~ or similar questions.