Getting Kicked From Dungeon

So, I just got kicked from a TW dungeon.
No idea why; nobody said anything, we killed Baine, I took the portal thingy to the Emerald Dragonshrine, waited for everyone and BOOM, kicked.
Sometimes the only problem with WoW are the jerks who play it.

The real insult is that 30 minute deserter debuff; I did NOTHING wrong, and yet I now sit picking my nose while I wait for a unfair debuff to disappear. That’s gotta go!


It’s not likely the system will go without something else to takes its place.

Proposals so far include but not limited to:

  • “Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
  • “Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
  • “Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
  • “Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.

If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. I also would like to know to see if the suggestion can be improved making it into a better experience for everyone involved.


What benefits?
As I see it, it’s abused to grief people for no reason as it’s not the first time this has happened to me.
It happens fairly often.


Hate to be that guy, but if it happens to you more than rarely I assume it’s you. I also assume you must be a casual player otherwise you should know the reason it keeps happening.

Maybe you went the wrong way or theres a meta route or w/e

I’d agree but I didn’t do or say anything to deserve it.
I helped kill trash, we killed Baine, I teleported to the next part of the dungeon; I was ahead of everyone so I waited, and then I was kicked.

But how were you so far ahead of everyone. We blast through tw. If you aren’t the tank it shouldn’t be possible to be ahead unless something is wrong/you went the wrong way

welcome to WoW, where the community wants you to be a esports pro to do Normal/Heroic/TW dungeons or you’ll get kicked. At this point id say this community is actually worse that LoL’s


It was the End Time Timewalking Dungeon…

Have no idea why you got kicked, just did 5 tw as tank, didn’t know any route had no clue about anything, just was running somewhere (sometimes wrong), and hadn’t see any complaints in my address

We killed Baine, I mounted immediately and ran to the portal thingy; I guess they were still on foot getting through the lava.

Why would they kick you for being ahead, it just makes 0 sense. Were you a DPS? Were you doing low damage? Do you have details installed?

The benefit of not being held hostage by a tank/healer who tells you to either “quit” or “kick me so I can get a fast free requeue” and get told this ad infinitem.

I have a list of suggestions because this topic keeps coming up quite often, take a look over it and pick one or suggest something better for Blizzard.


I dont support Blizzard system, but I support Kilineiram! One thing I dont understand why Blizzard let players to abuse votekick system which it is happening now! Players still complaining about it and refuse to solve problem there? WHY?


I think i only got kicked once since i installed WoW.

And it was because the team was premade and i complained that the tank was just rushing past everything and couldnt keep aggro. Causing me, a low level warlock at the time, to die.

I do agree that the kicking system gives too much power to premades and loud individuals on a party of weak minded unthinking mouthbreathers.

but who knows.

So whether I quit or get kicked I get the debuff anyway.
If you’re kicked, I don’t think you should get the debuff. That way, you have a choice; quit and sit with the debuff or try to tough it out, but since the content this keeps happening in is a joke these days, there’s literally no need to “tough it out.”
Of course, there’s also little, if any reason, to kick anyone from it either so there’s that.

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And this, ladies and gentlemen is why those roles told you to kick them so they won’t get the debuff and could fast requeue again. Because if they did quit, initially one of the versions were that they gained a debuff but not through a kick and we saw the abuse shift to votekick hostaging.

I understand completely that it was a nuisance to get kicked, over likely nothing. One of my own suggestions is that instead if you’ve not been kicked in awhile, you get a hidden warning debuff that is only visible to yourself - if you chose to requeue and get kicked again then you would be barred from PVE content.

This would be less bad then sitting immediately in a 30 minutes timeout with some minor leeway.


Then just stop DPS and follow, isn’t that the logical thing? He will stop eventually

It doesn’t make sense xD
I was DPS
Did the highest on Baine (623 ilvl in TW dungeons)
So, yeah, I just don’t get it.

Could have been just one person wanting to kick you and the rest just clicking yes to get rid of the annoying window.

Haven’t experienced anyone getting kicked without any reason at all, granted when there were reasons they weren’t always legit (tank overpulls, kick the healer for people dying), but there was always some reason. Maybe I am just lucky.

The kick system isn’t ideal because of people being the way they are, but it is still better to being unable to get rid of obnoxious party members.

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They probably kicked you for picking your nose.