Getting killed via PVP after declining a dual

As the title states, I was killed in a dual, even though I declined said dual…i just lost a hell of a lot of resources. i have screen shots of the damage i received, nothing else as i dont really expect to be damaged in a pvp battle that I declined.

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They wont do anything. Getting killed in a pvp situation is a wanted design. If they used an exploit to flag you, thats something else.

Were you pvp flagged or had warmode on?

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As the title states…I declined the dual. So was not in pvp. I wasn’t in war mode and I’m on a PVE server. Now that we’ve covered the obvious stuff, can you provide any assistance?

lost resources?

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Being on a PVE server doesn’t mean you can’t PVP, it just means PVP is not enabled by default.

You can still enable PVP (called warmode), and then engage on PVP with other PVP enabled players. So to reiterate the question asked by Lyndis.

Were you PVP flagged (can happen by killing hostile city guards) or had warmode turned on?

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I tried. Thats why i asked these “obvious” questions. Declining a duell would not enable your pvp status. If it did, it was a bug and should be reportet with the ingame tool.

Dont even need Warmode for that. You can turn on pvp with a rightclick on your character icon in the drop-down menu. The game is treating both as “the same”. Pvp = On = PvP actions allowed.

There aren’t pve/pvp servers in retail though.

You can be flagged for pvp if you’ve gotten too close to the other faction’s settlements. There’s a 5 minute CD on that. So maybe that’s how you got killed despite declining the duel

You don’t lose any resources from PvP. My guess is you where in an area controlled by the other faction and one of the NPC guards force-flagged you for PvP and then took you out - with assistance from other players.

This isn’t a bug - entering areas controlled by the other faction is considered as an act of war in game and we’re not able to visit them with impunity.

There’s not really PvP servers anymore so to speak, and how did you lose resources? Unless you mean you cost mine/loot a herb or something

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