If you want Spirit of Eche’ro the ghost moose mount, pick up the quest " The Right Path" from the archaeology trainer in Legion Dalaran this week. You’ll have to wait months for it to come round again.
I did the Leatherworking quest for a white moose back in Legion. Was a pain to do, you had to follow them as they jumped off waterfalls and throughs woods and various other obstacles. Took me many tries.
Is this one similar?
it’s an archaeology quest, so you have to dig up 600 fragments. Takes a few hours.
Thanks for info
It’s this one
Old article but same thing
Never got into Archeo. There just wasn’t a hook that grabbed me.
I had a look at the Vial of the Sands mount a long time ago as it might have tempted me in. But it was a massive grind, a massive gold sink as well as a low RNG chance. Any one of these might have put me off but all three at once was a killer.
I maxed on Archeology in Cata, leveling my character from 70 to 80 strictly off it, long before it got significantly buffed to yield a LOT more per site.
I wouldn’t wish doing that again to my worst enemy. To my excuse the overcrowding was horrendous for questing back then hence me doing it.
You don’t need to have archeology leveled for this. I started with no archeology and got the mount after 90 minutes or just clearing legion dig sites
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