Ghost Wolf Forms in Shadowlands

Dear Blizzard,

Druids are cool and masters of shapeshifting. They have all these cool things to morph into.
Shamans can become a ghost wolf/raptor. I’m not saying can you add different animals with other functionality, but would it be too much to ask for some new glyphs! Maybe something to fit something other than trolls and orcs.
Like a fox for vulpera, a hound for the dwarves or moose for taurens.
It’d give some extra customization! Shaman glyphs need some love :*

Thank you for reading :smiley:


Id love that tho id feel goats would suit dwarves more and they could make the current raptor glyph and make it HD or add a separate for players that want the classic raptor instead of HD raptor.


#I stand with shamans !
More skins the better.what about glyps for Elemantals?
For example :
fire elemental to be replaced with fire wolf(which model already exist)whom charge at enemies.
Earth elemental to be replaced with idk stone bear or whatever .
Would you like that?

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Vulpera should only be allowed to be tiny (ghost) Fennec Foxes.

Change my mind.

I agree, some more glyphs would be nice. :slight_smile:

Maybe even let us “theme” our spells around certain elements? I would love to change my fire / earth spells to look like water / frost / lightning so I can be a real tide sage. :smiley:

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