Gilnean Carriage and Vulpera Wagon

In game you can ride a carriage during a quest in the Worgen starting zone and in Vol’dun you also have a quest where you ride a wagon from the Vulpera. When I was doing both those quests it made me want to have one of those, or both as a mount. Anyone out there shares this feeling?

They could even be faction specific, and maybe have a mailbox/courier or a bank/banker, maybe even both? Idk, I think it could be a nice option for a new version of mounts with NPC’s/utility in them. Thoughts?

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Vehicles like these would be cool to have in mount collections, just like sleds or chariots. I doubt they will do something like this, the gilnean carriages have been in game since Cataclysm and nothing has been done with it yet

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would be perfect for that barber mount we’ve been asking for

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Or that, didn’t remember about the barber yeah, that would be a nice option too. Altho thematically I think the mail or bank make more sense, because in the past wagons/carriages would carry mail or gold, etc, from one place to another. But if it was a barber instead of those I would not mind it at all.

On an unrelated note, mounts should be part of the combat system. Like the paladin effect that knocks you back, but more of it and diversified so that it covers more than just a trample charge.

What do you mean exactly? Be able to fight with/on the mount? Something like you do at the Argent Tournament?

Yes, sort of, but not merely jousting…which if my memory of wotlk p servers is correct was very clunky.

My inspiration was Lord of the rings, or just plain old mideval tactics.

In Lord, you have a wolf rider and the wolf is just as dangerous as the rider if not more. The wolf is actually the first attack method, only then the rider starts getting involved. Simply put, it’s a big wolf which can rip ppl to shreds on its own.

So, mounts having bonuses, all should trample and knockback, damage being relative to their mass and speed, some should do damage (beasts), some should provide defense bonus (armoured mounts), some speed (obv an elephant isn’t as fast as a cat), some could provide gathering bonuses (think pigs and truffle farming irl) etc etc

It’s a whole concept in of its own, requires lots of work, so probably coming never and that’s not even accounting for the unknown reception of this feature from the playerbase.

I see. That is interesting, I mean I like the idea, I just don’t know if it would fit well in WoW, and I think it could be problematic for balance etc. Nevertheless I’d be curious about how they would make such a thing work if they ever wanna go in that direction.

P.S. Yes, the jousting is very clunky.

A carriage in general would be pretty nice to have.

Mount attachment for extra storage and what not.

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Slap an auctioneer, banker and mailbox in that wagon and I am in.

I think that would be asking too much, plus we already have an AH mount. Not disagreeing, just saying that would be highly unlikely, nobody would be wanting the Brutosaur if there was another AH mount but with more stuff.

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