(Gilnean RP) Nightfall Brigade

Annd what a campaign it was in Northrend, a big kudos to the Ashborne Consortium that gave us 2 wonderful weeks of RP-PvP and our DMs for finishing up a story of a turncoat Arugal Death-Knight. The undead wolf’s menace, together with a band of Forsaken Soldiers, was put to a halt by the combined forces of the Nightfall and those allied forces left in the cold northern wasteland. Galmard Croheim lays dead in the snow, as we’ve traveled back to Keel Harbour in Gilneas.

As time passed for the last few weeks the Nightfall has dealt with roughening up some cultists and blight-mutated monsters (Forsaken Apothecaries, what did you experiment these things on?!) from the city and a patrol around Stormglen, Keel Harbour seems to be safe for the time being while our sights are set on delivering certain heirlooms back to the people of Surwich. Coat of Arms, family relics and even old whisky-barrels from the good mayor. Surely this will just be a simple journey and visit with no trouble to meet us along the way!..

And what after that? It seems that trouble is brewing in the continent within the mists…