(Gilnean RP) Nightfall Brigade

Nightfall Brigade is currently in Uldum with out dwarven allies, we will be back shortly, hopefully :slight_smile: , but what the future brings, noone knows.

As always, if you wish to join us, or simply RP with us, find one of our recruiters in Stormwind or come visit us in Keel harbor.

Looking forward to our next gathering, I expect fancy dinners and many talks.

With the Loyalists in Northrend destroyed and the hunt for a Gilnean traitor almost at an end, the Nightfall Brigade looks forward to going back home to Keel harbor and some well deserved rest.

All of you that wish to RP with us or join our ranks, feel free to look us up there or contact one of our recruiters in Stormwind.

Still waiting for that invitation of good drinks and food…

Seeing we are still in Northrend, we’d make poor hosts, haha. You will get your invite next week, when we return home.

Annd what a campaign it was in Northrend, a big kudos to the Ashborne Consortium that gave us 2 wonderful weeks of RP-PvP and our DMs for finishing up a story of a turncoat Arugal Death-Knight. The undead wolf’s menace, together with a band of Forsaken Soldiers, was put to a halt by the combined forces of the Nightfall and those allied forces left in the cold northern wasteland. Galmard Croheim lays dead in the snow, as we’ve traveled back to Keel Harbour in Gilneas.

As time passed for the last few weeks the Nightfall has dealt with roughening up some cultists and blight-mutated monsters (Forsaken Apothecaries, what did you experiment these things on?!) from the city and a patrol around Stormglen, Keel Harbour seems to be safe for the time being while our sights are set on delivering certain heirlooms back to the people of Surwich. Coat of Arms, family relics and even old whisky-barrels from the good mayor. Surely this will just be a simple journey and visit with no trouble to meet us along the way!..

And what after that? It seems that trouble is brewing in the continent within the mists…

Yo Wilcox, are you safe? I’ve heard about the big earthquake in croatia… please give a sign… PLEASE.

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I’m fine, Lupus. I’m in isolation, due to exposure to COVID-19 and was in the hospital when it happened. City was hit roughly, but my fellow soldiers chipped in and its more or less sparkly now once again. Its the aftershocks that are bloody annoying. I’ll be out in a week or so.


The Nightfall Brigade sailed over the seas as they brought the old relics from Gilneas to the people of Surwich, from different coats of arms to generations old rapiers to forgotten portraits and even strong barrels of old whiskey. A safe journey it would have been, if not for those Zandalari of the First Empire.

3 days long they fought, from on the waters in the sea as Talonwind and Rastakhan’s Vengeancr clashed, to the siege of Surwich as the Nightfall fought off the mighty trolls with their strength; cannonfire and awakened treants, only for the last day to retreat from their ship as the First Empire sank it near the unliving shores between Stranglethorn and the Blasted Lands. Surwich was safe, but Lieutenant Hawkcrest wept with his captain’s eyes as his precious ship was taken from him.

As the heirlooms have been returned to the people of Surwich, a call to arms has been answered to join the Alliance Vanguard for the Defense of Pandaria. As we await tomorrow’s councimeeting, we will take our time to rest and recover while we can…

(Kudos to the First Empire for collaborating 3 days of RP-PVP with the Nightfall Brigade, until next we cross swords!)

Was great having you guys in Pandaria! Till next time :smiley:

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Long live the Marshal !

Damn Gilneans… taking down our lower jaws…
Great people. Great guild. Great fight.
Looking forward for round two! :hocho:


Ever since the Nightfall Brigade returned from Operation: Pandaria, their homelands of Gilneas reminded them they still have a long way to go before their kingdom can be rebuild. From mutated giant rats terrorizing Keel, to magically enhanced flesh-eating giant plants, to an old enemy of Death Knights bringing havoc to Stormglen! But no matter how much our nation asks of us, the Nightfall will do what they can to aid Gilneas and her people.

On the 10th of May till the 10th of June we’ll be having a RP-PvE guild-campaign that’ll take us to both Hillsbrad and Silverpine! From hard-fought skirmishes to
morally clashing encounters, my fellow DMs and I will be putting our efforts to pull the Nightfall through a world of trouble. Will we survive? I guess there’s one way to find out…

If you’re interested in joining us, be sure to hit me up on either Braxtonm or Hawkcrest, our GM Wilcöx/Harkans or my lovely fellow officers Astesi, Ripfangs, Nitemaster. Or just visit us in Keel before we head off on our campaign!

Days go by in Hillsbrad, with both combat and relaxation taking turns. But, perhaps not all is as it seems. After the latest skirmish, the NFB went to inspect something out and they returned rather perplexed. What could it be…?

Our DM-s are doing a lovely job with their events, all leading to an epic ending of the campaign. As always, if you wish to RP with us or join our ranks, feel free to either come find us (so currently in Hillsbrad) or find one of our recruiters in Stormwind.

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I used to RP with you guys a year or so ago, think I can come back after this long? might be a little rusty because I haven’t played the game since then but it was good fun always had great events.


Not an issue, mate. When you come online, whisper one of the officers online and they will fill you in.

My character is no longer in the guild and I can’t find any members in stormwind or keel harbour.

I would suggest you whisper them OOC, since they are currently on a mission.

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Thank you, will do

Make sure to tell Wilcox IC to grow out his beard. Like a real man eyebrow wiggle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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