The Nightfall Brigade sailed over the seas as they brought the old relics from Gilneas to the people of Surwich, from different coats of arms to generations old rapiers to forgotten portraits and even strong barrels of old whiskey. A safe journey it would have been, if not for those Zandalari of the First Empire.
3 days long they fought, from on the waters in the sea as Talonwind and Rastakhan’s Vengeancr clashed, to the siege of Surwich as the Nightfall fought off the mighty trolls with their strength; cannonfire and awakened treants, only for the last day to retreat from their ship as the First Empire sank it near the unliving shores between Stranglethorn and the Blasted Lands. Surwich was safe, but Lieutenant Hawkcrest wept with his captain’s eyes as his precious ship was taken from him.
As the heirlooms have been returned to the people of Surwich, a call to arms has been answered to join the Alliance Vanguard for the Defense of Pandaria. As we await tomorrow’s councimeeting, we will take our time to rest and recover while we can…
(Kudos to the First Empire for collaborating 3 days of RP-PVP with the Nightfall Brigade, until next we cross swords!)